Saturday, June 23, 2007

Prophet words and holiness

I feel like Ive been one of those Kings in the Old Testament, who even after hearing remarkably prophetic words from prophets theyre still not sure and do their own thing! I woke up the other morning and God told me to write in my journal instead of Bible and prayer, So I did. Then later in the day God sent a prophet to speak to me who said some amazing things. What this prophet was telling me to do was backed up by a string of comments about things I had written in my journal. Even though that was so obviously God, theres still something in me that says, hold on, I need more confirmation! Prophets, cant live with them, cant live without them! hahaha

Also, I need to testify to some of the victories Ive been having on the holiness front. Im beginning to understand the meaning of having faith leading to holiness. Ive been alot more believing in my prayers, and its working! Hallelujah. A few weeks ago at Basketball I got sent out of the stadium for a bit of unsportsmanlike behaviour. Nothing serious but it was unsportsman like. This Monday I was completely differernt, I shook all their hands, wished them the best, congratulated them after good shots, and they let me stay playing! hahaha also,

I can get annoyed at people who dont drive "properally." Some may call it road rage. But since believeing more, Ive stopped getting angry and frusturated, and have started to really just not care! Hallelujah!

Do you want the blessing of a clean heart? Do you want to be filled with love? Do you want to have the choice wether to sin or not instead of falling into sinful habits? Devote your whole life to God, leave it on the altar, let Him purify you, have faith that it is done, and as Brengle said, "Testify, Testify, Testify!"

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness! 1 John 1:9

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