Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How are you?

I was finishing off reading John Wimbers Power Evangelism the other day and came across a cool story. It basically goes along these lines...

Wimber had finished teaching a "Signs and Wonders" course at a uni. One of the students came up to him and asked, "What do I do now?" The man spent alot of his time in admin meetings and didnt know what to do with what he had just learnt. Wimbers advice was simple, "Be like Jesus wherever you go, whatever you do."

He then got a letter back from the student saying that he would ask people, "How are you?" then pray for them on the spot and he had great results.

So today I was on msn talking to someone I hadnt for some time. Shes going through a rough time and needs some answers. I offerd to pray for her even though shes REALLY anti-God. The name "Greg" kept coming into my head so of course I told God He was crazy, well, that I was crazy and it wasnt Him speaking to me. But it didnt leave me alone. I remembered the above story and asked her if she knew who Greg was.

The question about Greg fitted perfectly into the conversation and when she asked how I knew I was able to tell her God had told me, followed up by my typical, "I told you God was real!" She now has a taste that God is real, and I can continue to challenge her about her faith in God.

So, whoever reads my blog, Be like Jesus and Do like Jesus! Step out in faith! Who cares if we get laughed at, imagine getting people saved on the spot with a demonstration of Gods power! Its about time we let God do His thing!

Heres the challenge: Whenever you ask how someone is, pray for them right away on the spot for their troubles! Lets put the pressure on God to heal people! To free people! To show people His love in a practical way! God move in our lives!

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power!
1 Corinthians 2:4

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