Monday, June 18, 2007

Lowering Standards

I get frusturated and annoyed when I hear people talking about entire sanctification/full salvation and downgrade the meaning so that they can say they have entire sanctification or full salvation. It can be scarey to think that we're not entirely sanctified but it does not mean we are not saved. It does not mean we're second class Christians! It just means we're not entirely sanctified!

For all salvationists out there, here is a reason from our core beliefs why we cant downplay entire sanctification, this shows entire sanctification is different to regeneration and continued obedient faith (which are present in any saved Christian, entirely sanctified or not...)

Doctrine 7
We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit, are necessary to salvation.

Doctrine 9
We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.

Doctrine 10
We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified, and that their whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Doctrine 7 and 9 are different than 10, if they were not different they wouldnt have had to put number 10 in there! Number 10 is different. But it is connected!

Brengle uses the example of someone turning on the light switch then the light coming on. 2 different things that are connected. Not the same, but connected!

If youre a salvo, what do you think? Have I got this wrong?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I too get frustrated - mostly that I have never been taught about entire sanctification despite being a Salvo for my entire life! I haven't yet received this blessing but I do believe in doctrine 10 (as well as all the others). I eagerly await the day when I will hear teaching on sanctification as outlined in doctrine 10. Who knows, maybe at Connections 07?