Monday, June 25, 2007


Ive been reading 1 and 2 Samuel. I'm always amazed at David in the Old Testament. Saul tried to kill him on several occasions. He tried to kill him in the palace, then tried to get the Philistines to kill him in battle, and then he chased him all over the place for yonks! He had to hide in caves, and even had a chance to kill him, but didnt! What was he thinking?

Saul was an idiot. He would clearly disobey God. David should have been the King. Saul was not who was meant to be King, he was doing the right thing. Why didn't David just kill him? It would have saved time, pain, and everything would have been sorted out much quicker? I don't get it?

People talk about how all authority comes from God so we should submit to those in authority. I find that terribly hard to believe. What about Saddam Hussein? Hitler? Constantine? Mohammad? Saul? How does that work? They clearly disobey God. Clearly sin! And sin ALOT! And David killed Goliath! Thats just as much of a sin as killing Saul isnt it? Goliath was in authority, how come he didn't bow to that?

I know God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He gets our 1st Submission, against Him we cannot go. But how does that work with David? He could have killed him, or atleast overthrown him and stopped such sin from happening. Gee, I sound like I'm saying we need to sin sometimes to do good! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!

Anyways, I believe if people in authority are sinning, arent repenting even though theyve been warned, we need to step up sometimes. But does anyone have something smart to say about this compared to my dribble? Is there a differernce between authority in the church and worldly authority? how do we get rid of bad leaders in the church? hahahaha im too tired for this!


Linda said...

Can I suggest all true authority comes from God. Some people may have power over us, the power to imprison us or to govern how we do certain tasks. Jesus is truth and true leadership/governance is from him. As to following an earthly leader (especially a church leader) just keep up the testing as to what comes from God and if something they say is from God then its good to go. We are never going to get a perfect leader but we need leadership to function as a group. We will all have authority excercsed over us, we can be imprisoned, send out of our country or beaten but we can't have Jesus taken away from us. Good on you for tackling the difficult ones James

Brian's Blog said...

Good words Linda,

Yes wrongs need to be confronted.

John the Baptist confronted Herod, the final result that JB lost his head. JB was righteous.

Jesus said, love your enemies. He did not say, don't confront sin.