Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wholistic Mission

God is good! More prophetic confirmation today!

Also, been thinking about wholistic mission. Heres what I'm thinking, if we choose to do only 'part' of our mission, (e.g social work OR evangelism) then we are in effect compromising our mission. If our social centers are not wholistic then they are a compromise of our mission. More importantly I think, if Corps are not engaged in wholistic mission they too have a compromised mission. Both are a waste of resources.

Jesus was asked whats the most important commandment, He replied, "LOVE God and LOVE others." If we do both of these we cant go wrong. Jesus' greatest command was wholistic! However how many Corps and Social Centers are missionally compromised?

I'm not saying the work they do is bad, wrong, or not worthwhile! Far from that. We do HEAPS of GREAT work even when our mission is compromised! What I am saying though is that it is not complete.

As The Salvation Army we are trying to accomplish our mission right? So many of us don't believe we're doing that, its too big a mission! Then what is the point? I want to see our mission completed! Our mission is there because The Salvation Army was raised up to accomplish that mission. If what we are doing does not accomplish that mission then why do we keep doing it?

We have two ways forward. 1 is to keep going about things slowly, gradually trying to change the culture of the Army. Eventually it might work out. 2 is aggressive. Its to take a stand right now, to change structures, procedures, thinking, and to join the rEVOLution! Slash and burn to build up a strong new force that will see Australia and the world impacted by Jesus' wholistic commandments.

How are you LOVING God and your neighbor?


Discover Leadership said...


I agree with what you are saying in this post.

"Evolution or revolution?" you ask. I think REVOLUTION is fast becoming the only option left to us. We must change, and change quickly. We have wasted literally decades playing toy soldiers while our constituents (the marginalised, disadvantaged and unsaved) die in hell (both physically and spiritually)! Good onya!


Lieutenant Jo said...

Amen to that Mike... sorry to be predictable, but...
Revolution all the way!!!

I heard the other day that William Booth meant for the Army to have seperate foci in doing Social work and Ministry. It was used to speak about the way we structure finances and catagorise things (especially because of Government funding)... I'm not sure if I've seen that picture from what I've learnt about William, have you got any insights about that one?