Thursday, June 14, 2007

Holiness Intensive day 3

So busy!!! Plenty Valley is going well! I smell a salvation! More details soon!

Im loving this holiness intensive! John Wesley was a great man and has left a great impression on the world. Its been great seeing:

a) holiness/entire sanctification/full salvation is scriptural and
b) holiness/entire sanctification/full salvation is possible
c) Wesley's theology of prevenient grace (God working in/for us before salvation)
d) how positive Wesleyan theology is toward humanity

A man was put in prison because he killed someone. After a bit the warden came to give him his pardon. He came to the cell and gave the pardon to the murderer, he left the door open but the man stayed in his cell. He was in the cell because he comitted the crime, but he stayed there because he rejected the pardon. I'm sure you can see what that means...

3 Critical Theological Points
1) Salvation also known as Salvation
2) Entire Sanctification also known as Full Salvation
3) Glorification also known as Final Salvation

Both Wesleyan and Calvinist theologies have all 3 points, the difference being Calvin believes entire sanctification cant happen during our time on earth whilst Wesley does.

Finally, Calvins theology comes out of their belief of the nature of God (which is that God is Sovereign.) Wesley started in a different spot, He started at Gods character. (LOVE) Therefore Calvins ideas of once saved always saved, irresistable grace, double predestination etc are dont work when if we start at a God who LOVES us! More on this later!

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