Saturday, March 28, 2009

Street Preaching Stats

Some say that street evangelism does not work in our culture today. However we have statistics that prove this wrong. We have been doing some street evangelism since February...

Since February we have seen 11 people decide to start following Jesus and ask Him for forgiveness. Hallelujah! This is roughly 1 out of every three times we go out someone gets saved! So far two have fallen away.

To add to this the gospel we preach is that God is holy, we are sinful, sin separates us from God both now and forever, Jesus died and rose again to save us and bring us into right relationship with God. We always give an opportunity to accept this message. The way we tell people they need to accept the message is to "Repent and Believe."

2 have fallen away from faith. These 2 made a committment then that was it. This is dreadful and shows the importance of true repentance. Statistically speaking though this all means that lots of people get saved and 2/11 fall away at this stage. We have preached about once a week on average with an average of more than one a week deciding to follow Jesus, 1/3 times someone gets saved. (so on the time someone does get saved more than one have followed)

We accept this research is only 2 months old and it could all change quickly but the real question is, does our way work better than yours? If we are serious about winning the world we need the most effective and quickest ways (notice plural, we need to use all the ways we can!) of getting people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Heres a way you can test which is better... How many people have you lead to repentance and belief since February?


Captain Andrew Clark said...

Hallelujah. Praise God. So encouraging to hear James. We so often preclude methods on the presumption that they don't work. More often than not, we decide that for our own purposes because it offends our sense of pride and hyper cultural-sensitivity.

Keep battling like a warrior. Things are slower here, but we fight on.

Anonymous said...

And how many people have been alienated by such a forceful approach? Is it possible that for every conversion there is at least one person who hardens their heart to the gospel because of the method they have seen used? For many years I resisted 'conversion' because of the arrogance of Christians who ram the gospel down people's throats. Many of my family remain unsaved for this reason. I thank God for the one person who bothered to build a relationship with me instead of viewing me as a statistic.

james said...

maybe you should come and see what we do and see if anyone gets turned off...

Im not saying dont do relational evangelism, Im saying we need to do both.

If Christians only did relational evangelism half the church wouldnt be around! wherever there is big revival there is aggressive preaching...

Anonymous said...

"Got saved" - what do you mean by this and how do you assession whether their claim to salvation is what the Bible means by the term? "Saved a soul" - what is a soul? What is heaven which seems to be the goal of the saving of the soul? Where does the redemption of the body and the whole creation come into this? Seems to be a very narrow approach to salvation being put forward. Palidin

james said...

Thanks Palidin,

When I say salvation, or being saved, I mean being saved from hell, death and sin. On the positive side to that is that we are reconciled to God which means we can have relationship with Him starting now and forever into heaven.

As for how do we know if this is what the Bible means, here are a few bible verses on this page:

Here are some bible verses which talk about heaven:

There is also a heaven on earth type idea, some call it kingdom now and not yet... The idea is that we can have some heaven on earth... some say heaven on earth will grow until it tkes over, others believe the world will get worse then Jesus will return and sort it all out. I am not 100% which way it will eventually work out, but I live to bring the Kingdom on Earth and I also look forward to heaven.

Hope that helps...