Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Holy Guest

A friend of mine said recently, "I like the term, 'Holy Ghost,' for the word Ghost in the old Saxon was the same as the word for Guest." Whether that be so or not, it may certainly be said that the Holy Ghost is the Holy Guest. He has come into the world and visits every heart, seeking admittance as a guest. He may come to the soul unbidden, but He will not come in unbidden. He may be unwelcome. He may be refused admission and turned away. But He comes. He is in the world like Noah's dove, looking for an abiding-place. He comes as a Guest, but as an abiding one,
if received. He forces Himself upon no one. He waits for the open door and the invitation. (Samuel Logan Brengle – The Guest of the Soul)

Make sure the place is clean and tidy. To do this repent and renounce all your sin, then the Lord will apply the blood of Jesus to your heart and He will forgive you and cleanse you of all sin and unrighteousness!

Invite Him over to stay for ever. The Holy Guest is not interested in a stay for the sake for a holiday. The Holy Guest is looking for a permanent residence, a home so to speak. The Holy Guest does not come to entertain, but to convict, lead, and empower you to live life for God everyday!

Believe He will come! The Holy Guest will not respond to you unless you have faith. As we need faith to be saved from sin, as we need faith to be healed, we need faith for the Holy Guest to enter into our hearts. Faith is an invitation that He will not refuse! He wants us to be sure that we want Him to stay! As you believe He will enter.

I trust that you if you have not already, that you would seek the Holy Guest into your heart today.

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