Monday, March 30, 2009

Sats or people?

One day my family (Mum, Dad, and my two brothers) and I were in England and I got lost. I was terribl.y worried and I think my parents might have been too! My family decided they didnt want to go home until they found me. My parents wanted 3/3 of their boys to go home with them. Numbers were important because numbers represented people.

In the book of Acts we see the explosive growth of the early church. Luke, the author of the book, constantly reminds us how many people were saved at different times. Numbers were important because numbers represented people.

In Luke 15:1-7 the Good Shepherd counts His flock and realises one is missing. So He starts searching for this one sheep. Numbers were important because numbers represent people.

So often people complain about people talking about numbers, but we need to remember that numbers do represent people, they represent people that Jesus wants to save and He wants 100% of the earths population. Praise God I was one of the numbers that were added to the Kingdom!

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