Saturday, May 24, 2008

Red Shield Slogans

I had a great time today doing some intersection collecting. (collecting at traffic lights) I had a guy give some money who we helped at Family Support during the week. I was able to talk to him last week so when I remembered him I think he appreciated it. It was great to see him putting back in after we helped him in a hard time.

It was also a great opportunity to tell people about Jesus and I challenge anyone to use one of these tiny phrases that can change their world. I was using them today and I pray that God will be able to use them somehow...

"God bless you" This gives God a chance to bless them and hopefully they will see the link between their blessing and my bless...

"Jesus saves" This does something in the spiritual realm, and it also tells them a simple truth that will cause them to think or even react

"Jesus heals"
This gets them thinking about the people they know who needs healing, maybe even them self, they may pray or look into Christian healing

"God loves you" Very simple way of telling people God loves them. Even something small like that can mean alot to people... Imagine someone who's life is on the rocks, not sure where they're going or if they want to live, then they hear "God loves you." Ive seen it before, and a simple message like that can put enough doubt in ones mind to stop them from killing them self... Or think about a single mum who hears shes loved and appreciated.... Priceless... Theres dozens more!

Lets use every opportunity to get people saved over this weekend! So much potential. Are you willing?

Also, does anyone know where deficit funding for corps comes from? Does anyone know how much or if any red shield money go towards corps..? I have heard some rumors which I dont like but they seem pretty legit... email me and maybe expect a blog on that at a later date...


Anonymous said...

I have just returned home after Red Shield Collecting for a few hours and there was not one person who did not get a "God bless you" from me even if they couldn't donate. It is a great way of showing who we belong to and that God will bless anyone. One lady said it back to me and I quickly let her know that He did indeed bless me. I also had the opportunity to have a couple of great chats with people which included Gods blessings. People are genuinely interested in how people are coping in these times and to be able to hear their concerns and give some real hope is a wonderful opportunity. I hope others took up the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Yes RS money does go toward deficit funding of some corps. But only into the social welfare aspect o their work.