Saturday, March 01, 2008

MCG, New converts and over enthusiasm

I took a couple of youth to the cricket yesterday. I had promised them we'd go and it was Australia's last game at the MCG this year. To make it even more special it was Adam Gilchrist's last game at the MCG!

The boys loved it. They especially loved how we could sit in the front row and sledge the players, how you could yell out whatever you thought of the game and no one would care, and if they did you just yell a bit louder! The boys were also trying to get autographs, and when we left one even said he was going to hold on to his ticket to show everyone he'd been to the cricket at the MCG. It was a great day and one they wont forget soon...

As I sat there often they would say or do something and Id think to myself, "Didn't you know that?" Or "Settle down a bit, that happens all the time." But then I realized this is a new experience for them and I need to settle down and let them experience it for the first time.

New Christians are just like the boys. They get saved and see all the great things God is doing. Often they are the best evangelists as they tell the world what they really think. They get excited about miracles and what God is saying, they get excited about what is out there! This new experience is the best thing to ever happen to their lives!

In the story I am like alot of the older Christians. Getting grumpy for new people being too loud, or getting too excited. i had lost the wonder of the cricket at the MCG. I had been there so many times, it'd just worn off.... And so often people lose the wonder of God, a result of being brought up in a church...

How can this happen? For me, I lost my first love for the cricket at the MCG. For the church we have lost our first love of Jesus. We need to regather ourselves and start loving God more. Reading our Bibles, praying for hours on end. Everyday. More prayer meetings, more worship, more sacrifice, and if we do this then it wont matter what program we run, the Spirit of God will be moving and we will see revival.

Yesterday I allowed myself to go back to the wonder of the MCG and we had a great time. One of the best times for the boys. What would have happened if I didn't get into it and stifled their enthusiasm? This happens in the church, people get disillusioned and leave unsatisfied, searching elsewhere for an authentic Spirituality...

Do you have the spirit of a new boy at the MCG or the hack who thinks they know everything too well but have forgotten the wonder of the MCG?

"Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love."
Revelation 2:4

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