Thursday, March 06, 2008

Evangelism and the dead being raised!

Ive been trying to uphold my decision to have 5 evangelistic conversations each day and Ive been going a bit up and down. First day was 5, then 4, then 0 (bad day) then 6... We'll see how I go today! As for conversions only the one on Sunday but praise God for that one hey? He called me and told me he now has more friends at school!

A couple of points. 1) If I arent getting many saved after 15 conversations then by you having less conversations how much more time will it take? 2) I have been planting alot of seeds, its good to remember that not all evangelism is about the conversion point... 3) Having to talk to 5 people has pushed me just out of my comfort zone, Ive had to go to the shops real late at night so I can find people to talk to. 4) "More friends at school" because God has done a work in his life! Praise God!
Check out this article. Its about people being raised from the dead in India! A reporter saw it all happen and is shocked! So are the hindu villages who are now saying that Jesus is the TRUE GOD! How cool is that?

Some who read this will say "but they're in India, theres not enough proof." But I say to them there was plenty of proof on that night, western journalist, massive crowd, mum, the hindus who have now converted must have seen some proof, and the hindus who are still trying to work out what happend and are coming to see the man who was raised from the dead, and the description of one of the dead people. So, either this is a massive hoax or it happend.

If you dont believe this one happend then I say to you you need faith. Infact, if anyone does not believe in God raising from the dead even in todays world I say "get some faith." Thats all there is to it. The scripture says He does, Scripture says we are commanded to. Theres nothing more to it other than faith! You say why doesnt it happen? I say it does happen and it happens with faith! God, help our faith be stronger!


Anonymous said...


Call us " of little faith" if you like but really your article proves nothing.
It is an article from a "like minded" publication, Catch the Fire....a ministry that has invested in this stuff being real.

The "western journalist" is from the same publication (from what I can gather) and is not someone with any sense of skepticism.

Did it really happen?

Who knows?

You can believe in it if you like but don't denigrate others who choose not to believe it, saying that their faith is lesser than yours, please.

Your Brother in Christ,


Anonymous said...

even a little bit of research will show you that the journalist is not from catch the fire, catch the fire are a prayer movement...

Teresa Neumann is a journalist from "Breaking Christian News"

why do Christians find it so hard to believe people are raised from the dead. we are in a sad state if we dont believe the very thing that sets us apart from everyone else, the resurrection of Jesus...