Tuesday, May 01, 2007


1 Corinthians 14:1-18

In 1 Corinthians 12:31 Paul tells us to seek the greatest gifts! And yes he is speaking about Spiritual gifts! The next chapter goes onto say that love is the gretest gift of all. And we would all agree! For without love what do we really have?

Then Paul goes on to talk about prophecy. Check this verse out 14:1 "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy." Paul picks out prophecy as a gift to go after. We know we can all recieve this gift. God may give it to anyone! Paul highlights reasons for prophesy being so good.

It speaks spiritual truth, it is for "strengthening, encouragement and comfort." Paul also highlights that it is great for non-believers! I believe we all need this gift! I believe we can ALL access tis gift. And Im going to tell you how, but first, think about these things,

Jesus called Zaccheaus out of the tree by name! There are no records of him ever meeting him before, then followed by love he completely turned his life aound. Then Jesus with the woman at the well, Jesus knew her life! Once she realised this she followed Jesus and a revival broke out in the village!

Imagine someone who does not believe in God at all came into your church. Would they have any reason to convert to Jesus? What if someone spoke a truth into their life that was obviously supernatural? How much easier would that be?

Heres how I have been learning to do it. Im sure this is just one of many ways to do it!

1) Look at the promises of Jesus, (I will answer you when you pray Jer33:3, I am with you always, ask for bread and i wont give you a stone etc)
2) Hold God accountable to them
3) Have the persons best interest at heart (love them!)
4) Picture them in your head
5) Ask Jesus to join the picture
6) Pay attention to where Jesus is and ask Him why He is in that spot
7) Look at the whole picture and ask what it means
8) Ask if there is anything else He wants to say (it may be one word, or a memory, or testimony etc)
9) Tell the person what you saw etc
10) Tell them it is what you believe is from God, and that they should test it (you should test it first aswell.... but test with scripture, body of Christ, Spirit (fruits etc Gal5) does it all line up?) to make sure it isnt something you've made up.

Lets live as though God really is alive and really does speak to us! God may not give you AMAZING weird things to say, but remember, God does speak to you, and will tell you saomething to say or do or pray. All of it is valuable and you never know how something seemingly so small can be so big for someone else! All of it can be a form of loving the person.

"If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. " 1 cor 13:2 Get out there! Love and prophesy!


St Gregory The 10th said...
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St Gregory The 10th said...

Love the work your doing James, we really got to catch up soon. Lately as you know I have been busy studying, testing myself and communing with our fellow Jewish brothers and sisters. Learning more about there culture and so fourth. There a great people I don't see the problems some have with them. I managed to get my hands on a Torah, I tell ya it’s a great read with English and Hebrew translations. All I have to say is its amazing the death it goes into, genealogy of David etc Talks about the temple and everything. Hope to catch ya soon.


Simon Mapleback said...

Great words mate, I keep praying for a stronger gift of prophecy, well more like that I'm more intune with the Spirit so be able to speak into the hearts of people! God can do more than we ever can in our own strength so let go and let God!