Friday, November 09, 2007

the world for God

Last night I was watching tv really late and a show came on, it was "Where are the biggest losers now" or something... The basic thing was, you lost weight, its been a while, so have you kept the weight off? What a great idea hey?

So, for you. When did you get saved? Have you stayed saved until now? We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.
Secondly, we are at war to see the world saved. To win the world for Jesus. Not just your neighborhood, or school, or little community but the world! I haven't seen much resources or training that fits the mission though.

If you aren't getting resourced, trained to win the world for Jesus come to Plenty Valley! We're training end time warriors for the last global harvest that will usher in the second coming of Christ. I want to see the word saved before I die, in fact, I don't want to die, I want to see the world saved and the return of Christ so I don't need to die! Are you with me?

Lets live our lives in a way that will bring about this last global harvest of souls that will usher in the second coming of our King!

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