Thursday, November 01, 2007

who do you worship?

I was talking to some one the other day and they were saying that the devil wants us all to go to hell. And I thought, why does he want us to go to hell? It didn’t make sense. Some people say that the devil is the king in hell. But my Bible tells me otherwise. My Bible says that hell is the place God created to punish the devil and his demons. (Matthew 25) So why does the devil want us to go to hell?

The devil used to be an angel. But he wanted to take Gods place, he wanted to be God. (Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28) This turned into a fight in heaven and the devil and a third of the angels were kicked out. (Revelation 12) Then we see Jesus talking about how He saw the devil fall from heaven. (The Rev 12 passage is just like most of the book of revelation, no one can agree what it actually means... But from the other passages and others like Jude I think we can at least believe the minimum of what I have written down...)

So, I believe the devil is not so much worried about where we spend eternity, but who we are worshiping. The devil sees it this way, every person who does not worship God is worshiping him by default, we are completing the devils plans and mission if we decide to not to follow God. We are agreeing with the devil to disobey God and live for ourselves.

Who are you following? Who are you worshiping when you watch that dirty movie or pass on that nasty bit of gossip? Who are you worshiping when swear and curse other people? Or when you get angry and judgmental? Who are you worshiping when you put your own needs above others? Who are you worshiping when you simply choose to do nothing when something is required of you? As Matthew 25 says, if we do the wrong thing we will go to the place of everlasting punishment, the place prepared for demons!

But don't fear! Jesus doe not want you to go to hell! He has come to save you! Stop worshiping the devil, start worshiping Jesus and you will be saved!

Acts 2:21
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

1 comment:

Joel Clifford said...

Hey James, good blog. There is a saying that goes "All evil needs to succeed is for good men (and women) to do nothing." I would like to add, that all Satan needs to succeed is for Christians to remain silent. Thanks for your encouragement to get out there and 'Tell The World'

Keep up the great work!!