Friday, November 30, 2007

how i evangelise

How I evangelize…

1) Pray

2) Talk and listen to someone who doesn’t know Jesus yet

3) Ask them about their beliefs… I normally try to find an opening in the conversation so when I ask it doesn’t freak them out

4) I tell them why I am a Jesus follower

5) I tell them the gospel

6) I challenge them to repent and believe

7) I pray with them

I think most people find step 3 hard. I use something they say then use it to lean into something Spiritual…

Here’s some examples that might work…

  • Me: “What did you do on the weekend?”

Them: “I went shopping… What did you do?”

Me: “I went to church and hung out with friends, it was great…”

Them: “Oh, ok…”

Me: “Do you ever go to church” OR “Do you believe in God?”

Them: “Not really”

Me: “Why’s that? Boy, could I tell you some stories…”

Then I go from there… It’s so not confrontational and you get to talk about why you believe in God…

  • Them: “I watched supernatural the other night…”

Me: “Did you really? What happened?”

Them: “Angels/demons etc”

Me: “I’ve cast demons out of people before…”

OR if that’s not true, “I know people who have cast demons out of people before…”

Then I talk about that and gradually you’ll get to talk about how to be free from demons etc…

  • An easy one is when people are down and you just tell them the promises of God,

“Cast your burdens upon Jesus for He cares for you.”

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

“I have come to set the captives free.”

Just tell them how God can help them! Easy as!

In all of the above there is room for jokes, words of knowledge, prophesy, your own personality etc… You just need to be open to talking about Jesus! People who are gifted evangelists will make opportunities, but if we all took our opportunities we’d get a lot more people saved…


Anonymous said...

gold - absolute gold...

Anonymous said...

I think it is at least bronze gold i don't know lol.