Monday, August 06, 2007

Singing Teaching

Firstly, who like the new banner of me leaning on the word of God?hahaha

Last night was the divisional youth meeting. It brought home a couple of facts to me. I took a bunch of youth from Plenty Valley. They are not use to sitting down and listening so they played up a bit. They were actually really good, but I could still tell theyre not use to and not able to listen for such a long amount of time.

This really made me aware of the early Salvos who use to teach theology through songs. The people would have been like my youth, not able to sit down and learn. It would have been too boring. But they loved singing. Therefore they taught them through song.

We should not be using Hillsong music. We should not have to. We need to though at this stage because it is the best that is out there. The problem is it doesn't teach our theology. We should not be using brass band music. We should not have to. We need to though because at this stage it has the best theology out there.

Perhaps we do have the great talent to do this. But maybe we have become so brainwashed by the church that we conform to the church. Perhaps we don't have enough converts to see the need for teaching through music. I need to admit I was one of those!

Lets do a couple of things. Lets get people saved and lets teach them stuff through new music with good theology.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Brian's Blog said...

Good foundation to rest on the WORD!!!

Anonymous said...

When you look through old songbooks you will see that faithful soldiers have underlined there songbook when God has taught them something through the singing, it has mean't enough to them that they underline it. We can't get people to take their bibles to church now because it is 'on the screen' forget the songbook the words are up on the screen too. Although l would say it is hard to underline words on the screen. Songbooks are personal and we have taken away this element in our teaching. We could all start by taking a songbook to worship as if we expect the worship leaders to use them. Try it! Let me know how you go. M@

Fist of God said...

Jimmy!!! What's wrong with conveying God's message through brass abnd music? We can now use technology along with the band to show images and the words of songs as the band plays it's message. Why should we be saying that the people who have been given the gift of God to bring his message through this medium should not do this? Booth said that if by walking on his hands and playing a timbrel with his feet would bring one more person to Jesus, he would learn to do it. Let's use all our gifts, lets not limit ourselves!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree that some of the words in our songs that we sing are shallow, not helpful for those learning the christian faith.
the music is great but lacks depth.
A challenge to those young musicians to keep on tuning into what God wants to say to us all through the medium of music.
I have had people take song books home (this in new converts) because the words speak to them deeply and they use them like a prayer book. the music however is dated and we all know this and doesnt catch peoples attention to start with... hmmm

Anonymous said...

If the music still brings in people how is it dated?? Just because something is old, doesn't mean it's irrelevant or too dated to be of any use. The bible is a good example.....although i guess some people think that the bible is dated and that's why we get some really bad translations of the bible, like all inclusive language, ( i really hate that stuff lol). Bands can now play more contemporary songs that have been written and are just as, and in some cases more, effective as a more contemporary band in getting the message of these songs across. I can see how the illusion of brass bands getting dated could be seen in that for years contemporary music was available to churches but the brass band couldn't play them because there was no music for them. Now there is and they can play them, does that satisfy people saying that they're dated? Or does saying that a brass band is dated go further to a personal preference rather than whats most effective for saving people, because brass bands are still doing that.

james said...

If brass bands are working use them. I'm not against brass bands.

BUT if we're trying to reach the world, and not just a few people, we need to be more culturally relevant.

Show me one church in Australia with a brass band that has over 1000 people in it? Theres none. Is it a coincidence that the churches with the people are the ones with new sounding music?

how often do u hear a brass band song on the radio? (no im not talking AM stations, purely FM!lol) We hardly even hear ska (rock with some brass) music on the radio anymore.

if we are to win the world for Jesus (note WORLD, Im talking BIG, REVIVAL, not just a few converts here or there) we need to get serious. stop using outdated music and tap into the big crowds!

Anonymous said...

The one big criticism of those types of churches is that most people go there to 1. Feel good and get caught up in the hype of a big church, 2. they don't have to do any work around the church because they figure there's plenty of other people to do it. And the last criticism is about most of the new songs these days. Most of the songs i refer to as "me" songs. These songs are about "us", how WE love God, how WE worship him, they're not like the songs about what God has done or how we're going to save the world. And the sermons in these places are generally along the same lines, they speak to the individualistic mindset of todays society. Most sermons are directed to the individaul to make them feel good about themselves so they keep going to the church, invite their friends to feel good to and put money in the offering. I know this isn't always the case but it is the majority, look at tele-evangelists, thats feel good religion. Church is becoming the place where people go at the end of the week(or start) to feel good about themselves, and that's not what church should be. We are there to worship God and to prepare for another week of fighting the devil. Take a look in the songbook and you'll find songs that will prepare you for that.
I guess that because brass bands aren't that popular anymore that they're seen as we're going to substitute quality for popularity. I'm not saying that the new songs aren't all good, just that most of them are "me" songs. If you don't believe me just really think about what you're singing on sunday and let me know.

james said...

did u even reasd my blog? thats what im sayin aaron!lol they do have better music for this generation, we have better words!

also, you being a brass band lover, how many people have you led to Christ lately? How many people have you laid hands on for healing? How many demons have u driven out of people lately? How many poor people have u clothed fed or even talked to lately?

These bigger churches arent just big because people dont need to do stuff. they believe in miracles and actively engage in the work of God, just like the early salvos did...

as for tele-evangelists, i love their white