Thursday, August 02, 2007

Porn and some G words...

I’ve been home sick the past couple of days. So, as I was in bed this morning I put the tv on and watched Oprah. Kirk Franklin was being interviewed. Kirk is a gospel singer, perhaps the biggest gospel singer around with tons of hits and millions of fans.

What Kirk had to say was that he used to be addicted to porn. He was coming out with his wife to let everyone know that porn is wrong, addictive and ruins relationships. Some of the interesting facts that the show came up with was that:

Porn is 57 Billion US dollars a year industry
Over 800 million videos made each year (just the known ones being made…)
70% hits on porn sites are while people are at work
And I googled the word ‘porn’ and came up with 94,500,000 Pages!

Kirk and some of the other people Oprah interviewed all testifies that the even by just looking at the images were as good as adultery, that they stick with you, and that it is really addictive. They also spoke about how hard it is just to speak about their porn issues. They spoke about loosing themselves to a fantasy world that they couldn’t break free from.

Kirk testified that once he told his wife things began to get better. They prayed together and his wife held him accountable. But the real reason Kirk says that helped him get through was by giving it to God, by realizing how God saw Him, and being able to accept that picture! Perhaps some words from a song he’s recently written will help;

Imagine me, loving what I see when the
Mirror looks at me ‘cause I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I’m finally happy cause
I imagine me

Letting go of my past
And glad I have another chance
And my heart will dance
‘Cause I don’t have to read that page again

Gone, gone, it’s gone, all gone

The other day I wrote about the ‘G’ sins. But heres a better word to think about. Heres something that is good. Something clean and positive. Something Generous. Its GRACE. Our undeserved favour from our gracious Lord and Saviour.

Are you stuck in sin? Are you addicted? Don’t be ashamed. Give it to God. Realize who you are in Christ. Don’t carry it around. Jesus died and rose to take away our sin and shame. Thank you Jesus for your GRACE. Thank you that its "Gone, gone, it’s gone, all gone!"

If your struggling with this issue, heres a couple of sites that may be able to help you. and

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