Thursday, August 09, 2007


Exciting things happening at Plenty Valley! Something about a Salvation Meeting coming soon! I'll keep you in suspense for now...

I was reading some stuff about doubt the other day and learned quite a bit...

Peter saw the feeding of the 5000 then got out of the boat and started to walk towards Jesus. He then looked at the wind and waves, taking his eyes of Jesus and sunk. Jesus asks him why he doubted. The reason: He took his eyes off Jesus. Matthew 14:13-36

Then we have the disciples waiting around. Jesus comes back from the dead. They're all amazed. "Why did you doubt Jesus asks? Didn't you know the Scriptures had to be fulfilled?" The reason they doubted? They didn't heed Scripture. Luke 24:36-49

Then we have Thomas. Doubting Thomas. Everyone told him about Jesus coming back from the dead but he didn't believe them. He doubted their testimony. John 20:24-30

So when you're in doubt, keep your eyes on Jesus, read and believe the Bible, and believe other peoples testimony!

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