Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A letter from a friend of mine...

Dear James,

As I shared with you and at Macleod the other night, Len's healing was dramatic, instantaneous, and supernatural. He had suffered a major stroke and I was being told by the whole medical team at Maroondah Public hospital , to book my husband into a Nursing Home as he would never regain speak see, or have use of his right arm. leg and cognitive thinking again. There were scans to medically prove this , these scans are in our keeping and that there would be quote:''ABSOLUTELY NO IMPROVEMENT , ONLY DEGENERATION FROM NOW ON ", Len was aged 44 at this time. I knew & believed & prayed the fire of God into what seemed to be a "hopeless'' situation.

Myself & Major David Philp layed hands on Len & immediately power flowed into his right side & he began to speak his first intelligible words since the stroke .......the actual stroke had occured some 10 or so hours earlier.. The Doctors & nursing staff stared in disbelief as they watched Len beginning to recover, they could not offer any medical , logical reason for what appeared to be and was proved to be a powerful healing from JESUS days went on , after a short period of rest , Len resumed his normal extremely demanding schedule as a Corps Officer with myself (Marney) at Ringwood Corps.EVD

I can only say ''PRAISE JESUS" for the miracle of healing on that night and Len continues to serve the Lord unhindered as an effective servant of Jesus in a very responsible position of leadership in The Salvation Army (Aus. South. Territory).2008! Please feel free to share this story ! By the way we have many others ......HALLELUJAH!


To check out her blog click here.


james said...

What do you think anonymous?

Anonymous said...

A testimony by Marney Turner is not evidence. Post some doctor's reports detailing the before and after. How are you going with the cerebral palsy, quadraplegics and limb disfigurements? With regards Todd Bentley, surely there must be some clear, independently medically verified evidence if so many healings have occurred at his meetings. Perhaps you could post some links to these.

Andrew said...

hallelujah! Praise Jesus!

james said...

Anon, maybe you could take a step of faith and catch up with Marney. Organise to catch up with her, she works at THQ (call 8878-4500) and maybe ask her and her husband if she feels comfortable scanning then putting the reports up on the net...

In Australia we are innocent until proven guilty. So burden of proof is on you, unless your french... But I dont think you are, so if you are reasonable try and prove her guilty. (hint: you wont be able to...)

Im not going to bother any more with you with this debate because you give nothing but criticism!

Sooo many times I have asked you to come and meet people who have been healed but your too worried about people knowing who you are.

As for all those different conditions, God heals, Ive heard stories but dont know people personally. But if you are serious about this go have a look. If not, keep casting doubt and see how your life turns out.

So, when you are ready to put a face and name to yourself, when you are ready to accept that God is not dead and is alive today, healing people just like He says He will, just like He did in the past, and just like we see, then come back. My offer still stands, come see people who have been healed.

Until then, God bless ya! And even though we may not believe all the same stuff, God can still use us both for the Salvation of the world and for the growing of the Kingdom of God. So lets concerntrate on the mission God has given us. And stop wasting time becasue neither of us want to change our mind! I believe God healsm you dont.

I just wonder what it would be like to worship a God who is smaller than other peoples perception of God... Doesn't seem very appealing to me...

Simon Mapleback said...

Anon & James,

I found the healing of Cerebral Palsy we were looking for - right here in Melbourne! I'm not going to talk about it here cos it's not going to prove anything - I could give the girls name and adress but I know it's a waste of time - anon won't go see her, believe the difference in her, of just believe anything on blogs, etc... unless perhaps they are against God!!

I'll talk to you James about the girl that had Cerebral Palsy during the week - it's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Simon if you've got some independent medically verified evidence of a healing from cerebral palsy I would love you to post it somewhere. Don't hide behind "anon wouldn't believe anyway", that's just a copout. Prove what you claim.

Simon Mapleback said...

No I don't believe I need to anymore, it's not going to change your faith anyway - if it would then I'd bother, so I'll leave it there. I've seen it, that's all that matters to me in this case, I don't have to prove my claim to someone who doesn't even have a name or a face. That's the copout!

There's no where that says I have to prove it anyway - but I'll tell James and he can post it if he choses to.

james said...

anon, have you contacted marney for the evidence?

Anonymous said...

Simon, how do you know it wouldn't change my faith if I saw some real evidence of healing? Maybe it would. You guys just run away from this stuff because you can't face being wrong.

No I haven't contacted Marney - I don't know her personally so I think it would be impolite for me to contact her out of the blue about this. Perhaps you could see if she can post the evidence on her blog.

Marney Turner said...

Imagine forever being remembered as "DOUBTING THOMAS", that is not how I want to be remembered.When you read John 20:24-31 , one can see how someone is featured when there is disbelief. I feel very sad that when the power of Jesus is displayed ,in the present day there is still so much cynacism , doubt, ungracious negativity,and absolute denial. All I know is that JESUS does do miracles today and His power always will be seen when & where He desires it to be .I believe that the SCRIPTURES out of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 say many succint , credible statements & I draw everyone's thoughts to verse 5 "...HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS , BUT DENYING IT'S POWER . HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM." Please just believe JESUS really is the GREAT "I AM...". MARNEY

james said...

just call her! marney loves it when she can tell people about how good God is!

Simon Mapleback said...

We're not running away from it, we live in it - you call Marney to show who's not running away from the truth.

Can I just finish with this; Jesus saves - search for the truth in that & what it means for your life! Forget the miracles, teh 'signs and wonders', you'll see them soon enough if you take this first step.

james said...

i deleted your comment anon. you keep saying we have no proof and we're running away but thats crazy,

marney is open for you to talk to her which YOU havent.

I am open for you to come and see for yourself the people who have been healed but YOU havent.

We have told you to go to a Catch the fire meeting where people are being healed every night but YOU wont go. Same thing with Lakeland...

We have shown Biblical proof for these things still happening today but YOU deny them.

the only one running away is you.

this will not be solved on the net. YOU need to take the next step. YOU need to check this out for yourself.