Monday, June 02, 2008

Door to door

Candidates weekend was great! There were 75 potential candidates/cadets there and there are some very good officers that will emerge in the next few years! The weekend was lots of fun meeting up with people from all over Australia! The Turners did a great job and the commissioners came down and spoke and they were both great!

But my favorite part of the weekend was going house to house door knocking. The idea was to promote the local corps. Heres a few thoughts on it...

Its terrible how many people did it and came back saying they had never done that before without asking for money. How crazy is that? Where do people live? In their homes. So where should we be trying to get them saved? It seems obvious to me that we should go to homes, thats where sinners live. It may be a surprise to some people but sinners dont go to church! (well some So how are they going to get saved unless we go to them?

It made me angry, disappointed and filled me with a passion for souls because out of the 75+ doing the door knocking there was only a handful preaching the gospel. Others were just trying to get people to a program or a meeting. I had the privilege of leading a young man to Christ so it can be done because it happened. Praise God for his salvation!

BUT what sort of Salvation Army are we when our candidates, future leading officers don't preach the gospel? Heres a line from a Major, (it went along a bit like this...) "You can say you preach with your life, but be like Jesus! Even Jesus spoke! Use your words!"

Heres a great positive though. The experience made people think and challenged them to do more of this sort of stuff. Heaps of people came back really excited that people accepted them, welcomed them and opened up in conversation with them. So, although the gospel wasn't preached as much as it could have been, their were shadows of the gospel as people shared stories, had compassion, loved people and prayed with them. If only we could see that Jesus is the answer to their problems!

This morning I read some more of a book by Catherine Booth and it just so happens it was on a chapter called, "Compel them to come in." The whole chapter is about door to door evangelism.

"Dear reader, here is a sphere for you! You have long wished to do something for your 'blessed , blessed master.' Here is work, boundless in extent, and momentous beyond an angels power to conceive. For it, you need no human ordination, no long and tedious preparation, no high flown language, no towering eloquence, all you want is the full baptism in the Holy Spirit on your heart, the Bible in your hand, and humility and simplicity of manner. Thus equipped you will be mighty through God to pulling down strongholds. You will find your way to many a heart long since abandoned by hope and given up in despair, and in the great day of account you shall have many a sheaf as the result of your labor, and the the reward of your self denial."


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you preached the gospel and some one got saved. What do you mean by "got saved" and more importantly where is this person now and where has the person been linked into? Matthew's version of the great commision is all about making disciples rather than just getting people saved. So who is discipling the one "you got saved?".

james said...

Given address to corps. They follow up... Convert has corps details and Bible. He also has relatives in the catholic church of which he said hes going to get back into.

Anonymous said...

Haven't answered the question about what you mean by "got saved". It would also be interesting to know what you means by "gospel"? Passing the info about the corps is passing the buck-you need to take him there.

james said...

saved - passed from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of life. To be saved from hell, punishment, sin, death...

By the way I still believe you need to obey till the end for salvation, but I also believe I am saved, being saved and will be saved...

Gospel - Good news of Jesus. Theres heaps in that but I see the best news about Jesus is His death and resurrection and the implications that has...

Just a question, how many people have you led to Christ lately?

Anonymous said...

You asked "how many people have you led to Christ lately" - if they were to say none, does that heighten your feelings of spiritual superiority? Just wondering.

The original anonymous

james said...

ok, where is this heightened spirituality thing coming from? you've mentioned that sort of thing a couple of times...

I asked the question because anon seems pretty quick to be able to critique me when a) he doenst know me b) he hasnt done ministry with me and so I am asking the question to see how credible he is to get advice from this person...

I'm not trying to compare us. Its just when you do different work you come up with different issues and im checking to see if he has been through these issues or if it is purely a book view so to speak...

Anonymous said...

James, your continual complaint seems to be that people don't 'know'you. Well, its not true they do know you - it all hangs out in the blogs. So stop whinging.
Bad news - we don't save anybody. Good news it is God who saves. Asking how many souls a person has saved is a smoke screen, so get over it. G

james said...

anon, get real. You don't know me. And Im not whining. I only say those things when you say things about me and get it wrong.

anyway, atleast om not ashamed to tell people who i am what I think without having to hide behind a mask.

As for saving people, how do you interpret this: "Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5

james said...

and of course i know Jesus saves, but He uses people...

james said...

and, upon looking at what I've written, i never even said we saved anyone! I said 'led to Christ!' You obviously have a problem with me. Why dont we catch up and talk about it?