Saturday, April 05, 2008

Prophetic Fun

Last night was the kick of our divisions youth 24/7 prayer. I took a group for the 2am-5am shift and we had a blast! We started off with a bit of listening prayer. We just asked God to speak to us and asked Him questions and let Him talk back to us. After a while it was pretty clear that we were all hearing God so we moved on to "Prophetic Piggy in the Middle."

We had someone jump in the middle and we all prayed for them, asking God to speak to them through us. So we asked God "Is there anything you want me to say to them?" We all got answers and it was very prophetic, delving deep down into our hearts. I had a vision someone had of me at Easter camp confirmed along with some good challenges...

After this we moved on to "Blindfold Prophesy." For this one we sat the prayer down in a chair and they weren't allowed to open their eyes. Then we had someone sit behind them. Then the pray-er had to ask God for something to say to them. Again we had some very prophetic words, visions etc and pretty much every time the person praying knew who they were praying for! This was alot of fun as we praised God that we were hearing Him speak to us!

Some of the people there had not heard God speak to them so clearly before and so the night was really really fun! To see the youths smiles when the words they heard from God were confirmed was my highlight. The more I do ministry the more I realise that my job is simply to teach, equip and empower. I dont need to be the person prophesying or anything, I would much rather a group of youths doing it than me just because I'm the 'leader.' Its great seeing that the same Jesus I hear speak to me is the same Jesus that speaks to the youth!

I'm sure I'll get some comments and emails about these games, so this week I will blog about some of the boundaries and rules we have for these games so people dont freak out! But at the end of the day who is going to complain that a bunch of youth simply waited on God to speak to them?

But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3


Kathleen Pearce said...

Wish I was there :)
Listening Prayer is my favourite.
Bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

I want to get my Junior Soldiers into this but they don't often listen to me... I wonder how they'll go listening to God? I won't give up though.

Anonymous said...

I so want to get into these kinds of things with my Junior Soldiers, I wonder how they'll go listening to God, they don't often listen to me. I won't give up though.

Keep up the good work James.