Saturday, April 19, 2008


I have been flat out this week. Yesterday I went and did some OH and S training for my red card. (Construction site) And I learnt something that has made alot of sense to me. When there is a hazard there is a chain of things to do to make sure that the hazard doesn't eventuate...

Step 1 - Elimination - Is there a way to eliminate the hazard?
Step 2 - Substitution - If we cant eliminate, what can we swap it with?
Step 3 - Engineering - If we cant swap it, how can we change it?
Step 4 - Admin - If we cant change it what policies, procedures can we put in to harm minimise?
Step 5 - Personal Protective Equiptment- This goes with the above steps, what can we wear to protect us from the hazard?

We are living in dangerous times. People are going to hell as we read this blog. That is a BIG HAZARD. People seem to like Jesus but not the church, so what should we do?

We can eliminate the things they dont like about church, the boring bits, the hypocrisy, the rituals, the sitting down listening to one person... What do we need to swap? We can swap the 'conservative' church for new expressions of church. House churches, cafe churches, etc...

But what do we do? We start at the other end of the hazards list. We look at ourselves, ourselves, ourselves. Then we look at the policies we have, as if that would make a difference to anything, and then we look at tweaking the problem. Never do we look at elimination or substitution. And if we do its a last result.

William Booth was not like this. He eliminated things that were preventing people from getting saved. Things like baptism, the sacraments, boring church. He substituted the old form for the new form, for The Army. And people loved it. He adapted for OTHERS. He didn't start off with personal protection and sheets of paper that say how to do things. He started from the top.

What are we doing? We have lost our way. We have lost our tradition. We are not even being logical. We are controlled by this fear of change. Its time to break free Salvation Army! Its already happening in some parts.Llook around your Territory to see some of the logical soul saving thats going on...


Anonymous said...

Hey James

Keep the passion burning, I share your frustrations, we continually focus on the unimportant and look after ourselves when there are so many others who can be saved.

God Help us to change our focus. Help our Leaders to be courageous and allow more epressions of Mission that is not weighted down by internal systems that wont allow the important things to happen.

Anonymous said...

God sent my grandfather to hell. I know this because he was an atheist, and he did not have a death bed conversion.

So I hate God for doing this. What a nasty creature you worship. It might, unfortunately, reflect on the people who worship God.

My prayer to God:

Dear God, I do not want selfish things like an eternal heavenly reward when I die. No, I'd rather see you govern the world a whole lot better. I'd like to see you intervene properly and do some hard yards, not just work around the fringes resucing alcoholics from their addiction and helping to heal grandma's heart ache. There are much more important structural reforms you could be making, God. It'd be worth an eternity in Hell just to see you fix them. Amen.

james said...

Hey david.

Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry about your grandfather.

God is love. God is light. In him is no darkness at all. God is not the problem, we are the problem. It is the people of God who are letting the world down. For that I apologize.

I apologize because everything that Jesus stood for is love, because He stood for social change, He stood for righteousness and justice, yet the church is often behind the ball on this one.

I encourage you david to read some Jesus stories. Read one of the gospels found in the Bible. The ways of Jesus is truth and life. Also, look at some of the Jesus movements that have changed the world.

Slavery abolished, legal age of consent altered, women equality, match stick revolution... Theres heaps and heaps more. God is in the business of light and life. He is waiting for people to work with Him.

I'm away all week david so I wont be able to comment back until next week... I pray you will find what you are searching for.