Sunday, April 06, 2008

church growth

Ive been reading some of Alan Hirsch's, "The Forgotten Ways" and have come across some cool stats...

Christians in 100Ad = as few as 25,000
Christians in 310AD = up to 20 Million!

Christians in China 1949 = 2 Million
Christians in China 1980 = up to 60 million

To put things in an even better light, When Mao came in to power in China he kicked all the missionaries out of China, killed all the leaders, and in some reports even second and their tier leaders. So when people were allowed back into China they expected to find a small struggling church! But what a difference 30 years can make! Historians are saying its the fastest church growth in history.

Further evidence that church is not about the leaders. If you're not a leader what are you doing? Live out your faith today.


Captain Andrew Clark said...

The fact that church and the success of it is not about the leaders is a revelation that much of the Army needs to hear.

Take the world wars, they weren't won by the officers in ivory towers, but but by the officers AND soldiers on the front lines.

We need to capture the dynamic of soldier mobilisation and in some case, even officer mobilisation.

God is able and he can do it.

Simon Mapleback said...
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Anonymous said...

I would appear that the church has not changed since the days when the book of Acts was written. When the church undergoes persecution, it grows. Interesting thought.

St Gregory The 10th said...

Hey james Greg here i am convinced to recommence blogging which i hope to do this week. I found the site you made me and retrieved the password and have access. So i hope to get around to it soon.