Wednesday, April 30, 2008

grace games

I've been working on a project for church aiming at getting not yet Christians involved in mission. It brings up questions of why do we bother, and can it be mission without them being able to evangelise? Having the good works but not the faith.

Jesus life and ministry can be expressed in one word, grace. His ministry to the poor and oppressed was an expression of His grace. His ministry of the cross was and is an expression of His grace. To take away any of His ministry is to limit His grace.

Therefore, when we talk about ministry lets not talk about things we do, rather lets talk about what we are administering. We are ministers of grace, just as Jesus is the ultimate grace giver, and lets make sure it is a full grace not missing out any aspect of Jesus ministry of grace.

So when it comes to allowing the not yet saved to mission lets be aware that the grace they administer comes from the same source as Jesus did. But lets also be aware that Jesus offers more. Lets build on their grace showing them the ministry of Jesus so their grace may become full.

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