Monday, April 16, 2007


Firstly, check out the new CFAN website! Heaps of good teaching, pictures, videos, and pics! Look at their beliefs! Great to see HOLINESS in there! Only one i didnt like is the tongues...

This taken from Xanders blog:

Often Christians will scoff at the doctrine of holiness saying that it is impossible to have the sinful nature neutralized.To that, General William Booth replied:

If they (the scoffers) confess that, after some two or three disjointed, misapprehended texts of Scripture, they rely upon the fact that this unholy, inconsistant, Spirit-grieving life is the common confessed experience of Christians, and therefore nothing better is possible to me, i reject their authority. I won't accept the backsliding experience of any number of people as the standard of religious attainment for me. It is not what men are, but what God wants them to be; not what they actually possess and enjoy of purity and peace and power, but what Christ, the blessed Christ, with his agony and Blood bought for them; what the Father freely offers, and what the pleading, long-suffering Holy Spirit waits to bestow...If my lot is cast in Laodicea, am i to teach that it is the right and accptable thing before God and men not to be enthusiastic, not to be be eaten up with the zeal of God's house, not to be burning hot, but to be miserably, contemptibly lukewarm in His service?

Love it! God grant it to your army!


Pete Brookshaw said...

On the Cfan site, it reads,

'The BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it, with the evidence of "speaking in tongues".'

What part do you disagree with James?

I tell you what I believe at this point in time: that every believer has the opportunity to have the gift of tongues, if he/she wishes to earnestly seek after it (I'm not saying everyone will be given the gift of speaking other languages)
I also strongly believe that many Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit, and may never experience the gift of speaking in tongues, just as many believers may be filled with the Holy Spirit and never experience gifts of knowledge, prophecies, etc.

I believe tongues is much like the other spiritual gifts, in the sense that you will have one or a few prominent gifts, e.g. for you, its evangelism! But I've also found that, although Paul writes, to one is given the gift of miracles, to one prophecy, etc, we can ask specifically for an outpouring of a spiritual gift even if its not one of our primary gifts. Above all though, when it comes to seeking after gifts, Paul says seek after Prophecy!

Anyways, there's my thoughts at this point. Hope this doesn't come back to haunt me one day!

james said...

i thought he meant that tongues is 'the' evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit...

i dont believe everyone has that gift coz i dont have it and ive prayed for it stacks of time...

ive been baptised in the Holy Ghot though without that evidence...

i love tongues though, rekon its a great gift, sometimes wished i had it!

ahwell, i'll pray for prophecy instead... but at the same time if i ever need it im sure He'll give it to me...

dont worry pete, i think if u were a heretic we would have caught u by now!lol

Anonymous said...

We need to be really careful here as I have seen many people become discouraged as some people teach that speaking in tongues is evidence of being filled with the holy spirit. There is no scriptural basis for this belief. The evidence is in the giving of a gift or gifts and the fruits of the holy spirit being displayed in a persons life.

My belief is that speaking in tongues is given for the purpose of intercession, basically a heavenly language that allows you to interced on behalf of others or yourself. It is one of many and we tend to sensationalize it possibly because it is something tangible that we can see and "hear" whereas many of the others are not clearly visable.

Bless you richly you young men of God.

Amy said...

HeHeHe thanks for the comment James!!

U know whats funny, my friend keeps reading my blog.. and always asking when im gonna update it! So im thinking the seeds are slowely being planted, Just gotta keep watering them haha!

Also, i notice u guys are talking about spiritual gifts!! Funnily enough, last night at Bible Study we did the spirtitual gifts test. I have the main gift of faith, followed by missionary, helps/service and voluntary poverty! Im pretty excited so thought i'd share hehe!

Love and GodBless!