Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well todays ANZAC day. Ive always been a big supporter of war heroes and armies fighting for justice, freedom and democracy etc. And today we say a big thankyou to those gone by who have stood up for our country and for other countries. Lest we forget!

But heres a question we need to think about, what does Jesus teach us?

I have been really challenged about the war issue. I was a supporter of the USA going into Iraq, Afghanistan and of Israel attacking Syria. I thought that those were good ways of trying to solve a problem.

But the more we look at it the more we see that war does not work. For thousands of years countries war, millions of people have died in war. We are fighting evil with evil.

How do Christians fight? How does The Salvation Army fight? How do we solve problems? We fight with the love of God. It is pro-active. Does Jesus tell us to pick up our guns and kill each other or to love and pray for our enemies? To turn the other cheek?

Yes, sometimes countries need to use force. Sometimes counties have had to fight for their freedom. But I am sure that if a country wants to succeed we need to be pro-active lovers of other countries!

Imagine if all the countries at war in our world, spent the money we do on fighting with violence and swapped it for fighting with love what would happen?

Im sure some people will disagree with me, and please comment, but also, look at your Bibles, what does Jesus teach? Does Jesus teach anything about this issue?

Once again, I appreciate all the diggers gone past. I say thank you for what you sacrificed for us. God lead us in your love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi James,
If I was a woman in Afghanistan or Iraq I would be so thankful for foreign armies coming in to topple an evil regime that was oppressing me and my family. I would hate living with the fear and violence caused by insurgents from the previous evil regime, or opportunists crossing the border intent on destruction. The question right now is who is causing the violence? The coalition soldiers are trying to weed out those causing the violence and destruction, and at the same time trying to rebuild the country. Our country is at war, but not waging war, our soldiers are there to protect, stabilize and repair. There is a really good blog from Iraq, and the entry for 21 April is spells this out.

It is also interesting to note the figures on those now converting to Christianity from those areas. The people now have freedom to choose, I think Jesus would be glad about that.

By the way, the reasons for going into Iraq in the first place may have been more serious than first thought.

I am also very concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe at present. We cannot go there, but South Africa and some of the African nations could put some pressure on. Meanwhile, we need to pray for those people, and continue to pray for the success of the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan in rebuilding those countries, and offering freedom to the people there.

How do we offer freedom, or share the burdens of others if we are not prepared to sometimes fight for it? We all hate war, but we are in a war all the time.

God bless,