Thursday, March 01, 2007


Heres my two motivations for getting people saved!
1) Love for God!
2) Love for people!
37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39)
And heres a funny clip on motivating people for evangelism...

Whats your motivations for evangelising? Or whats your motivations for NOT evangelising?


Anonymous said...

Dude, I think this is pretty funny!
What is it trying to say?
If you don't constantly evangelise you should feel guilty?


Anonymous said...

This clip is a ripoff of a group of Reebok commercials from a few years ago -

Anonymous said...

Yes it is Anon.

Gee, that's not like christians to plagerise stuff from popular culture is it?

How often do you see christians producing stuff that is totally original?

Lieutenant Jo said...

My motivations for evangelising are pretty similar to James...
I have a burning desire to see people saved, this desire comes from God, I only receive this desire because I love Him and want to serve him with my whole being. I want to reach people with the message of Christ because God loves them, and its only through God IN me can I love them too...
The other reason for evangelising is that the bible says that as a disciple, I should do it! (Matthew 28:19-20).
Reasons for not evangelizing are sometimes of God (though very rarely!)... ie.'time to go home and rest in me!'
Personally, I would say 99% of the time, its the 'flesh' that keeps me from evangelizing... you know the excuses... 'I'm too tired', 'I don't know how', 'they won't listen', 'don't I need to have an on-going relationship before I share Jesus?'... and more!

and... ask God how much evangelism you should be involved in and then just do it! Then you will know if you should feel guilty or not, the holy spirit in you will let you know (in love). 2 Timothy 1:7-10

Teackles said...

Hi Salvo Cadet,

Hey, do you think that the Holy Spirit makes you feel guilty?

Your guilt comes from the holy spirit?


Lieutenant Jo said...

The Holy Spirit guides us to action, counsels us and yes, convicts us.

What motivates you to evangelise?


Teackles said...

You sure that maybe the guilt is actually from deep within yourself?

After a lifetime of feeling guilty for not spending your every moment in "service" perhaps it is your own mind that is making you feel guilty.

I understand that the Holy Spirit may convict us but I wonder if all of our guilt is from Him.
Could it not be a sign of a life listening to leaders telling us that we need to be in service all the time?

Is God really that interested in making us feel guilty about not evangelising?

My motivation for Evangelism?
I guess I don't really go out of my way to "evangelise" too often.
Well, definitely not in the way that you would "Salvo Cadet"
I am not in "fulltime ministry" as much as I don't like to use that phrase.

I like talking to people about the journey I have had in the past few years and I like to challenge people to think about.....well as cliche as it sounds...."the meaning of life"
Hopefully this leads to them experiencing God at some stage.

I believe christianity is about the search for God and the search for his purpose for us.


Lieutenant Jo said...

I wrote an awesome response, but when I submitted it got deleted... grrr! Anyway, basically, I think that comment was mis-read... the Holy Spirit doesn't MAKE us guilty, we respond to the Holy Spirit's conviction with feelings of guilt... this is necessary for true repentance to occur.

About the leaders putting sub-conscious messages into our heads... I know the voice of my shepherd... I've found it trustworthy and can recognise it well. (John 10:3-4)
I also have the helmet of Salvation to protect and guard my thoughts, plus the word of God to measure teaching supplied by leaders of the church.

God is vitally interested in people being saved, he sent his son Jesus to die for all in the world who believe (John 3:16-17). God wants all of his lost sheep to have the opportunity to find their way home, his chosen vessels of the 'roadmap home' are his followers (what an awesome responsibility). Another motivation to evangelise.