Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I read this this morning and really liked it. I love this holiness stuff! Isnt God AWESSOME that He would love and forgive us then use us!?!? Hallelujah!


Also I heard a voice of the Lord saying;
"Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?"
Then I said, "Here I am! Send me!"
Isaiah 6:8
It takes a pure heart to see God (Matt. 5:8). You can attend church services, read your Bible, and pray; but if sin fills your heart, you will not see God. You know when you have encountered God because your life will no longer be the same.
Isasiah was concerned with the death of King Uzziah, the able King of Judah, but was disorientated to his heavenly King. Then something happened that forever changed Isaiahs life. God, in all His awessome majesty, appeared to him in the temple, surrounded by heavenly creatures. Instantly, God's presence made Isaiah aware of his sinfulness. One of the seraphin came to him with a burning coal and cleansed Isaiah of his sin. Immediately Isaiah began to hear things he had never heard before. Now, he was hearing a converstaion in heaven concerning who might be worthy to be God's messenger to the people. This prompted Isaiahs eager response, 'Here am I! Send me!' Now that God had cleansed Isaiah, he was aware of heavenly concerns and prepared to offer himself in God's service. Whereas Isaiah before had been preoccupied with earthly matters, now his only concern was the activity of God.
If you have become estranged from God and His activity, you need to experience His cleansing. Sanctification prepares you to hear and see God. It enables you to serve Him. Only God can purify your heart. Allow Him to remove any impurities that hinder yor relationship with Him, and then your sevice to Him will have meaning as you offer Him your consecrated life.

(Henry and Richard Blackaby, Experiencing God Day by Day, September 20)


Cassie said...

Hey, I'm a salvo from QLD and found your blog through reading the comments on another blog that happens to be of another salvo! LOL I always thought the salvo's were a nutty bunch of tight connections! Anyway, I read your blog and really enjoyed it! I certainly identify with encountering God, coz today is my 3rd christian birthday! Woohoo!

Matthew said...

hey james,
i've been reading your blog and noticed some of the drama in your life that's taken place recently.
Just a quick note about something you were talking about: one thing you brought up was the different styles of worship that is being used in planetshakers vs. the salvation army and stuff.
i just wrote an article for Journal of Aggressive Christianity on Worship. I'll e-mail it to you if you want.
Just e-mail me or get me your e-mail address somehow.
I think you'd be interested.
-Champ out