Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hasn’t my last Blog has caused some controversy!

Let me fill some people in… As many of you know I have been stepped down from all my leadership roles at Church. I can’t do anything during the week anymore!

The leadership team got together on Tuesday morning and read my blog. It deeply upset them. They then decided that I should be removed from all leadership.

The leadership team thought that the blog was
1) Divisive
2) Would confuse people
3) Would split the church

They believe the way I have written this blog was too critical of Greensborough.

I was called up and told to come into a meeting the following day.

I did not know what the meeting was about.

In this meeting Mark began by saying they had read my blog. He told me what He thought about it, (the above points) then I tried to say what the blog was about, however he told me even though some points may be true or good, it was too divisive. I disagreed and so I was removed from all leadership I was involved in.

What can I say?

I am deeply hurt. I have fought to stay at Greensborough for the last 3 years. There has been so many times when I have wanted to leave because of both people problems and theological problems. However my calling to Greensborough was sure and I wasn’t leaving until God told me.

I have sacrificed to stay at Greensborough. There are no people my age at Greensborough, so I have struggled to make many close friends. I have been offered jobs all over Australia which I have turned down so I can stay at Greensborough. I have been through times when I have not had a day off for months so I can support myself and minister at Greensborough.

I have made many friends though! I have done a good job as a youth leader and youth intern, the fruit of which we can see in the development of the youth! Ask any of the youth to make sure this isn’t just one of my opinions. (or read my comments to the last blog!)

I love the whole group of youth at Greensborough! They are more than people I got to lead and boss around, but I also got to hang out and muck around with them. I’m so lucky to have been able to share in a lot of great times with them. The whole youth group, I hope you know you are more than ‘youth groupers’ to me, you’re my friends! Thank you for being so loyal for me and sticking up for me even when a lot of people are against me at this point of time.

I am deeply saddened that the corps first response to the blog was stopping all my leadership. The pain my blog caused and could cause was seen as greater than all the work I have done, am doing and could have done. I feel as though I am not appreciated. I feel as though the last 3 years of my life and ministry means nothing in comparison to this blog! If it had meant more I am sure they would have tried to talk this through with me!

I understand that the blog was written in a confrontational way. It was written to stir the pot! (I think I did that point!) I wanted people to talk about it. I was getting some of my feelings off my chest. It was written with a passion for Greensborough.

I want to take this time to apologize to all of those who were hurt by what I said. I had no intention of hurting anyone. I could have commented in a different way, and I would have if I knew what was going to happen.

To all of those that are hurt or confused about my blog, please speak to me instead of talking behind my back about a blog you have not understood and have not attempted to understand by talking to me!

One thing that saddens me is that people are saying that I don’t like Greensborough, that I think it’s bad, that I think we should get rid of the brass band and change to become like Planetshakers. I can’t believe people are saying this. Another thing is that I was bagging The Salvation Army. An organisation I love and want to serve in as long as God lets me!

I think this shows how much people actually don’t know me.

The youth have been great to me. They know what I am talking about in my blog and I think they mostly agree! The blog was written for the people that read it, mostly youth. They did not misunderstand it. And the ones that weren’t sure asked me about it! The youth have shown more maturity in the way they have read this than many others who have quickly jumped to conclusions without looking at all I have done, am doing, and could have done! Thank God for the youth!

I have been a supporter of the band since I got to Greensborough. I have on occasion been out with them to the nursing homes, I’ve been on the band weekends, I have supported them at the shopping centre and value them for what they can do. I reguarly boast to other corps about how proud I am of our band because they actually go out every weekend! How can people say I don’t like the band? It’s because they didn’t understand my blog, and don’t know me.

The point I was trying to make is this:

Why are Salvation Army Corps in Australia and more specifically at Greensborough not growing when churches like Planetshakers are? What do they have that we don’t have? What do they do that we don’t? What needs to be done to change this? What needs to be done for revival?

Am I saying Greensborough is bad or am I saying how can we make it better? I cant believe the leadership team thought I was saying it is bad.

My emphasis is not the music, My emphasis is that we need to be relevant to the target audience and we will grow.

Here’s some examples from within The Salvation Army.

At Reservoir they have a huge school program, they run breakfast clubs, homework clubs and a God and pizza night. This model will not work at Greensborough.

At 614 they have a drop in centre for homeless, ‘street people’. They provide food, accommodation, counselling etc. This will not work at Greensborough.

These places are relevant to the people they are trying to minister to. All my blog was doing was asking are we relevant? What do we need to do for change? All I wanted to do was ask some questions!

I am deeply hurt that people have failed to try to understand what I have said and have instead resorted to standing me down as their first option.

Another problem is that people older than my generation to do not understand a blog. For those in older generations than mine, when something was printed it was a final something, a thesis, a truth statement perhaps. Like a newspaper. Thought has been put in. It had been prepared. However, that is not what a blog is! A blog is rambling honest thoughts. When you look at a blog you look at all the things that have been written over time and you see what this person was thinking and feeling. A blog is not the climax of thought and opinion like a newspaper or an article. A blog is a journey, and the leadership team have decided not to join me on my journey.

I love Greensborough. I have loved having the opportunity to work here. Many times have been hard. I am passionate about seeing revival come to Greensborough.

I pray that God will work through this, comfort those who need it, guide those who need, encourage, convict and challenge us.

A prophet is never accepted in his home town


Anonymous said...

Jimmy you are a legend. You said what most would only think. It was WAY harsh of them to remove you... but i think that's their loss and hope they relise it. Although you may not have your job now, i know your strong and will get through this. Just remember Jimmy, we all love you and wish you the best in what will come. Till we meet again! **hugs** :Lisa

Anonymous said...

Jim, its sad that you have been dropped from all leadership. I know you have made a difference in the lives of your youth groupers, just from the comments they leave.
I guess its time to move on, and do bigger and better things.
You can always come and work with me at the youth hostel.
Love you buddy. Take care.
Love Kat xoxox

Anonymous said...

I think james would make an awesome youth leader and im not even a christian,james gets along really well with all types of people and different religons and he is friends with every1 and still shares wat he believes in with out forcing it on any1

Anonymous said...


I understand your pain and i'm deeply saddened and some what angered by the ignorance of your corps leadership team. I firmly believe they should spend some time reflecting upon the actions of William Booth, the founder of the organisation and church they worship in and through their own ignorance and self centered views and actions, are destroying. I believe William Booth would much prefer you, James Thompson in his church than any other members of the Greensborough Corps Leadership team. The passion you have for the Salvation Army and God is without a doubt greater than any of the Greensborough Corps leadership team combined.

You are a truely gifted individual James and I truely feel your gifts have until this point, gone to waste. The leadership team and CO at greensborough have spent more time trying to hold you back than helping you develop any decent ministry.

I firmly believe you can move onwards and upwards from Greensborough and they will be left in the dark ages, they have missed this boat and I doubt will ever see someone with your gifts again.
Good news travels fast, But bad news travels faster and in this case Greensborough have bought the bad news upon themselvs and by removing you from a leadership role after 3 years of faithful service, they have put the nail in the coffin for Greensboroughs future.

Greensborough have had a troubled past with the last couple of corps officers and the recent actions by the leadership team will ensure Greensborough has a troubled future.

You would be a welcome addition to any corps or church for that matter, Greensborough have held you back and caged your gifts for far too long and it is now time you moved on to a church who will work with you to better the ministry and yourself, rather than hold you back.

Just know, You are always welcome here in Kalgoorlie and the Salvation Army Kalgoorlie Boulder Corps would use your gifts and test you, but i am sure you would find reward. Please keep us in mind when thinking about your next move as someone with your passion and drive should not be wasted in a corps that does not want to grow.

I'll leave it at that for now, But dont for one minute worry about your future as i am sure the next move you make will be the right one for you and will heal any open wounds left by greensborough.

- Dylan Jones.
Kalgoorlie, WA

Anonymous said...

Hey James,
I cant believe you got stepped down from leadership for voicing your opinion. I dont go to greensy salvos, but you were my group leader at easter camp and i thought you were great!!

Part of being a christian is about being open to others thoughts/feelings, letting everyone have a say. Its also about being challenged, being challenged to grow and to bring people to the church. BUT the main challenge for christians is to go out there and tell people about god!

Thats how you get people to your churches. The music is only a part of what brings people to church, people should go to church to praise god, it doesnt really matter what church they go to does it? I agree that church should be about having fun but its main objective should be to bring the people of god together to praise his name.

Well i think ill stop here i dont know if any of that made sense or had anything to do with what was being discussed, but its a comment (that i cant believe i made, if you knew me you would understand why =S)

Goodluck with everything James. Try not to let the little things get to you, all will work out the way God has planned.. just remember GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Luv ya and God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hey James

The first thing i wanted to say was that the comment under Georgia's in the last blog was mine; i forgot to put my name there! Anyway Iv'e been talking to some people from our youth like Sarah, Rhiannon, Jade and Georgia and all of us feel, it's hard to say; but we feel kind of shocked that a thing like this is happening to you, you were so fun to have around at youth group and it's like the people responsible for sacking you don't appreciate all the hard work you have put into the church and youth group. Anyway a lot of us arn't sure if we really want to stay at greensborough after this, that's what they have told me, so i just want you to know that you have a heap of people behind you ( at least some people appreciate all that you have done for us over the years!) Good to talk to you and hopefully i'll see you soon. from kaitlyn.

Talz said...


I am really glad you stayed at greensborough, through the hard especially, i mean had you not have stayed i wouldnt have had the privilidge of getting to know you, and THAT would suk bad!

Well, I honestly havent known you that long, not long at all, but in my eyes it wasnt long enough, you leaving greensy would be devistating! COMPLETELY!

I sat in the car with you tonight, i sat in silence, and I had a WHOLE speech planned, all this suff i wanted to say and yet i said NONE! Why? I dunno, i guess i just kept thinking how horrible it is going to be without you guys!

I can say, that i have never been to a youth group at greensy without you, and i dont want to! EVER! I dunno, you liven things up, joke around just enough to soften the mood! I dunno... I guess i am just devistated at what has happened, and still i fail to see the reason, i went to this meeting on thursday, another speech planned, (in your defense) But as it would seem, it made no difference, i felt ganged up on and useless o even be there! I dunno James:



Luv Talz

charlotte said...

Hey James.
I read this blog and your previous. Of interest. Quite alot. I don't want to put my foot in anything at all. But I'd just like to make one point. Liam has been there for like 5 years, youth intern and youth worker. I have seen the impact on change that he has had, along with Melissa over those past 5 years and it's disappointing and saddens me that the focus SEEMS to be you.

And I'm sure that there's been many times that they've wanted to leave Greensborough too, not because it's bad. But everybody has something that they want to run away from every so often, but have to work through it.

"I have made many friends though! I have done a good job as a youth leader and youth intern, the fruit of which we can see in the development of the youth." This, to me (sorry if I misunderstood), implies that you're THE youth leader. I'm guessing that you weren't meaning to imply that. But that's when being careful with words and actions comes in very handy. Because through comments like this, the kick up the bum that you're feeling right now about being "let go" probably being felt by other youth leaders in that church that too, HAVE made a difference.

You can say I'm biased, because it's my sister. But, in that regard, I know some of the trials and triumphs conquered. Please let me know if I have said anything to upset you :)

Anonymous said...

Well it seems that there has been a lot of encouragement and critisism dished out to you in the last few days. I'm not overly good with words and when the going gets tough, I tend to get going, so I can't really share any wisdom because I don't have any to share. So I'll just say I've been praying for you.

Anonymous said...

james you are truly an ugly duckling on the way to a swan.

the leadership group is right this blog

has resulted in as they said.

1. division within the church

2.confusion {what is going on}

3.would split the church

all of which has been achieved by the leadership group by their actions.
i guess you must have been one of them round pegs that wasnt capable of being shoved in a square hole.boy it would be good to have round and square pegs working together.

keep your chin tucked in but your head held high.

must catch up ring when your free

james said...

Hey naomi,
What u said didnt upset me dont worry.

the attention is on me because i got 'let go' and the youth are feeling that.

Ive always said that we work as a youth team,and it has been the team which has done alot of good stuff.

i think u can c from their comments that i personally have also made an impact.

liam and mel have a great heart and do heaps of good stuff with the kids.they always want the youth to look deeper and find their own faith.

I think we made a good team and we all balanced each other out.

To everyone reading this say a little prayer for all the leaders at church coz im sure this is hurting more than just me sarah and the blog DID hurt some people and they need prayer too...

will write another blog shortly...

Anonymous said...

James, I have always tried to be an encourager for you and others at church, and even though I do not like blogs, I feel I must comment.

I am disappointed that Charlotte has chosen to weigh into the discussion. I don't know who she is, somebody's sister she says, but most of the other posts seem to be from people who actually know something about the youth section at greensborough, I doubt this person has rarely, if ever, set foot inside the door of our church. I wonder if many connected with the youth, or the church in general would know this person, but judging from the comment, she feels it her duty to support the youth leader and his wife and to counsel you to do the same. Perhaps she does not know how much support, not to mention time and effort, you and Sarah freely and cheerfully give.

It is true what she says about the youth leader having been around since he was an intern, and doing a fine job. I remember him in the early days, being a very hard worker. He is a very good disciplinarian, and he runs a Bible Study and discussion group.

James, the other blogs speak for themselves. The kids, the parents, the church has seen the youth group come alive since you have been a part of it. This is not to disparage the other leaders, but to encourage you. Sarah has also made an enormous impact, and very quickly. The girls flock to her, and even though she has such a bubbly personality, she seems to be a very calming influence.

James, I think the most important thing is, you live your faith and the kids see this. I know you pray, and you are obedient to what God calls you to do. So many of us disagree with the decision that was made, and you know how much you are loved by so many of us.

More importantly, it is obvious to the people sharing your journey, the contribution you personally have made, and the value of your
God bless

Talz said...

Well, this is kinda a comment on two comments...

Julie, i completely agree with you, with everything, accept for nomes comment, (im not disagreeing with you about how awes james n saz r!)

But Nomes makes a valid point, Liam and Mel, i mean, we are ALL that focused on James and Saz that we have forgotton that we do have some great youth leaders still!

I do, however know what you mean when you speak about the effort that James n Saz have put into the church, i havent been there long, but long enuf to see that!

**HINT: Maybe nomes hasnt set foot in our church much, but i do have to say, biased or not i think she made some valid points! Oh, and i know and LOVE her, so... yeah...

I do! though think that you are right julie! Just not in the fact that Nomes was trying to coucil us into beleiving the untrue, just to point out something that James himself has told me over the last week!
(Sorry julie!)
Luv Talz

Anonymous said...

talia, I take your point. You are in a different position as you obviously know naomi very well. You must have met her many times and spent some considerable time with her, I know you have not been coming along to greensborough for very long, so I am unaware of your personal associations and friendships and I should have taken this into account.

I do not know her, and I have been involved with greensborough for many years, and with the youth work from its inception and I know and love the kids. I am so glad you have felt welcome at greensborough and am sorry this situation has occurred.

And yes, James and Sarah have been exemplary in the way they have supported not only the youth, but the other leaders, even through this heart wrenching time. I know they have encouraged the youth to continue.

Wouldn't it be great if the decision was overturned - forgiven and forgotten, so to speak, and we could all move on.

charlotte said...

I don't know you (or if you've been at Greensy for a while I probably have, but I don't remember!) I made a special visit at Youth Alive to the girls at Greensy because I do know them! :)

I have also been to Greensy Salvo's quite a few times, although not many in the past year (at the church) because I am currently doing year 12, coach and play in a netball team which hasn't allowed me to come down for a weekend. But I have been to Greensy Salvo's, Greensy's youth and even Preston Salvo's at one stage! Hehe.

I don't know Saz, (altho met her last Sat) but I do know that Talz especialy admires her, so I wasn't trying to say that these guys aren't important. I was just trying to stress that even though it's a tough time for Saz and James and the youth. That they shouldn't forget about Liam and Mel because I know the tough yards they, too have put in. Sorry!

Sorry my comment caused some upset for you.

Talz, thanks you're a rockin' chick!

And James thanks for replying to my comment :)

God bless you all.

Talz said...


I think that it would be absolutly AWESOME, if we could just forgive and forget...I think this situation has been blown out of proportion MAJORLY!

Well, i guess i am just so sick of all this, why cant we just move on, take evreything back, and forget??

Seems that this is the worst situation for no good reason!

Nomes, your the best! luv u lots!

Also, i say it everytime i comment but...
Luv you James, Saz, always and forever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah,
Don't be angry. Trust our Lord and Savior. We know how much we hurt right now - imagine how He feels.
The people at church are all made in the image of God. I love them all, and it hurts me when I see them hurt. I just keep telling myself that God loves them more than I do.
James is a young man on fire for God. He has no malice in him, and I'm sure everyone knows this. The whole thing is based on misunderstanding. We know he would never intentionally hurt anybody at his church, and we know how he loves us all.
Sarah, don't give up, I still hold out hope that we can address this as Christians, and that God will have the final word.
We as a church need to unite not divide, and encourage James and you to do the work you are called to do, hopefully still at Greensborough. I am sure we can all learn from this.
Out from the ashes grow the flowers of success.
God bless you, Sarah and James, keep positive.

Talz said...

Can i just make quick note...

lol james you have 21, this being the 22nd comment! WOW! your on fire lol:P im lucky 2 get three! lol

random i no... bt it had 2 b said!
lol luv talz

Anonymous said...

Thank you for standing up and saying what needed to be said.

I love the Salvos as much as anyone but to see revival in a massive way, we need to firstly ask God for forgiveness for what it has become and ask the Holy Spirit to come and work through the many people across generations to fulfill the destiny that God had origionally intended for us.

If that means raising my hands in church...

I'm sorry for whats happend to you I am just thankful that you havent lost your faith and got bitter about it like many have over the years.

Stay stron brother, God will honor you and I will be praying for you, even if it is in tongues...

Anonymous said...

Hey James,

Seriously mate I would have worded that blog exactly the same way. I'm so glad your eyes have been opened to the things of God. I don’t know you heaps well but just from seeing you at camps and stuff I totally respect you and know where your heart is about this stuff. Cause most of the Salvo youth and in the same position. God will open doors for you mate. I made some huge life changes in my life for God and stepped up to the plate lately (and still am) and God's just blessed me with some awesome opportunities. Just stand firm and stand by your passion by God! God bless ya!

Benni Knop

Anonymous said...

Hi James,
I wanted to write and say how very sad I was to read about what has happened to you in recent days. You know that I have the utmost respect for you as a person and that even although you and I have not always agreed theologically I will always defend your right to hold and express your opinions, especially through such a medium as a blog. I am saddened that we as a movement seem to be so easily threatened that we would not allow our young people to agitate and speak from their passion. How can we ever hope to reach this generation with the gospel if we are unwilling to listen to them! Keep blogging, stay passionate for Jesus and NEVER give up hope.
Warmest regards

Sarah Eldridge said...

my question...with a youth full of questions and wanting answers...when will The Salvation Army stand up?! The support you've got here James, I hope, will push you through to the next level of your ministry. Like I said over the phone, I would urge you NOT to leave the Army as it's one of the most painful things I've ever done, and the reality is that we need people to keep on fighting on... You inspire me.
With prayers,
Sare x