Friday, June 06, 2008

Why signs and wonders?

It seems I have confused some people with what to emphasize in ministry. Some are saying that I am emphasizing Signs and wonders and miracles too much when the focus should be on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

I completely agree that the most important emphasis should be on Jesus and His death and resurrection. Without a doubt. If I had a chance to preach one thing to a person on the street and I had to choose between Signs and wonders or Jesus and His death and resurrection I would choose Jesus and the resurrection. This is plainly seen in my ministry, if you come and witness with me you will see that I am all about getting people to realise their sinfulness followed by the grace of God found in Jesus death and resurrection.

So what do I see as the role of signs and wonders? I see the role of signs and wonders as confirming the message, as demonstrating the message, as an act of Gods compassion. I see it as one of the ways God uses to take the veil of the sinners eyes (1 Cor) to point them towards Jesus. I also believe that if God has given us Spiritual gifts we need to use them!

In TSA we often speak about what the point of the social services are and sometimes people who just want us to 'preach the gospel' get upset that we are helping and not preaching. But the fact is that God has told us to love the poor, to help people, and that by us doing that it preaches the gospel to them. If we only help and dont use words to preach though then it is in part defective because we want people to know Jesus and they can only know if we tell them. The same is for signs and wonders and miracles. God has commanded us to do participate with Him in doing them, they are part of the gospel but they must always point towards Jesus and our response of faith, obedience and repentance.

Heres a list of why signs and wonders from a Wimber book...

Authenticating the message
Establishing the church
Demonstrating Christs mercy and compassion
Bearing witness to the truth of Christs claims about Himself
Demonstrating that Gods Kingdom has arrived
Showing Jesus was the one promised by the Father
Illustrating in the physical what God wants to do in the Spiritual
Bringing people to repentance
Showing that the gospel is for Jews and Gentiles


Captain Andrew Clark said...

Amen...Jesus always proclaimed and demonstrated the Kingdom. We're called to minister in his steps.

May God bless you with more of his power as you preach the gospel. May God give you a great harvest as you faithfully sow and reap.

Anonymous said...

Do signs, wonders and miracles prove truth? Two points need to be made. Firstly, they do not prove the truth of one’s interpretation of the Bible. Pragmatism dictates that whatever produces results is true. If signs, wonders and miracles are the standard by which a doctrine of these things and the gospel is established as truth, then one would have to say that the doctrines and practices of the metaphysical cults are also true. It is a fallacy that signs, wonders and miracles validate one’s teaching. William Branham for example worked miracles yet totally denied the Trinity and believed he was the prophet Elijah whose ministry would result in the return of Jesus. Secondly, signs, wonders and miracles come from more than one source. Not all come God. Those involved in the occult practice them as well. Ask any missionary who has lived and worked in areas where the occult is rife. Third, signs, wonders and miracles do not necessarily produce faith – take note of the ministry of Jesus, how many came to faith? On the day of Pentecost it was Peter’s sermon not the phenomena that produced faith and repentance. GH

james said...

Thanks GH.

I agree they don't always prove truth but they can.

secondly, from being a misisonary in third world countries I know and agree that they come from more than one place.

thirdly, i know they dont always produce faith but they can.

lets not throw out the bath tub with the water.