Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The following is a video testimony of someone who was at Go For Souls 08. He was in a prayer time and God spoke to Him and gave him courage to preach the gospel. Then something happend to his foot... Stigmata? Hmmm You be the judge...


Anonymous said...

Some strawberry jam fell off his toast this morning and landed on his foot. Honestly James, is this the best you can do for some sort of proof of the miraculous?

Anonymous said...



Fungal infection?
Skin irritation thru allergy?
Does he have diabetes?

James, I know that you stated that you were no expert but I am sure that if you showed this "affliction" to a doctor there would be a perfectly reasonable explanation for it.

I know the cliche' is that God moves in misterious ways but I just don't see how a bit of "foot jam" would fit in his plans to save the lost.

(fellow christian)

Anonymous said...

oops...sorry James, I just realised I sent this thru 5 million times (because I couldn't read!)
My apologies!


Anonymous said...

So James where have you and your friends been digging around in? Interesting that for people like Bob Jones and the Kansas City prophets brigade, Patricia King of Extreme Prophetic, Joshua Mills, John Crowder, Todd Bentley, etc… as well as the Catholics who ‘invented’ it. Stigmatism has become a new sign and wonder for these folk, although it is yet to really catch on like the gold dust and gold fillings. If you are following these people you are not only on the wrong bus you are going in the wrong direction. Stigmata does seem to happen in certain circles but it is a delusion. GG

james said...

thanks for commenting everyone! All I know is that after his prayer time he woke up with that thing on his foot and he has a new found passion for evangelism. No matter what it is, you have to admit the timing is cool!

Anonymous said...

God is very good at making aparitions of Mother Mary appear in pieces of toast, of healing people of vague and non-specific illnesses (that often return later), of putting together co-incidences that only appear improbable. Stigmata apparitions have been a favourite of God over the centuries, too.

When it comes to the hard work of making the world a better place, God is no-where to be found. Instead, He blames it on His creation.

Let us pray:

Dear God, Please magic everything better. Amen.