Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Flight TSA has been hijacked. Millions and millions of lives are at stake in a move that is destroying not only the Flight TSA but also the world.

The flight took off 2000 years ago on a life saving mission to the world. Hi-jackers disguised themselves as passengers, they dressed similarly, chanted the same slogans that the rest of the passengers said and went by un noticed. It is believed the hi-jackers failed to realise the mission of the flight.

None of the airline staff realised that deep down something was wrong with these people yet when someone noticed they did nothing about it. Once the plane had taken off these passengers with a warped mission started making demands. The air crew relaxed the tight shift that was suppose to be in action and gradually the hi-jackers took control of the plane.

One passenger has secretly been intouch with the police and has said that the hi-jackers seem like nice people, they just have alterior motives.

The plane that was on-route to saving million and millions of people, an operation to save the world from sin, darkness and despair has now changed course and is on its way to blessme island. However the hi-jackers who have broken off radio contact are little aware that Wrath Volcano has erupted and when they land they will be all surely die.


Anonymous said...

You might enjoy the following videos, that have some vague connection with this post:

An Atheist Meets God

Sunday Heroes "the Last Supper"

Anonymous said...

I take it you count yourself as a "real" passenger on this flight James.
You are part of the movement that is gonna save millions right?

This analogy is pretty black and white.

You think that that TSA is a duality of those who are on God's side and those who are terrorists.
It's a good vs evil/ right vs wrong analogy....right?

Well, I worry that this may come across as pretty elitist and self righteous James.
I don't think that is what you wanted.

Maybe you should just speak exactly what you think so people don't get confused with what you are saying.
What r u saying?
What is the purpose of this blog James?

I know that Jesus liked to speak in parables but maybe we should just say what we are thinking in a clear and concise way.

(no, I am not a terrorist....but worry about being labelled as one)

Anonymous said...

p.s. please approve my comment!


james said...

david, u still havent said what you believe...

anon, the mission has been hijacked. Theres those who go for souls and theres those who dont.

Its great commission stuff that Jesus spoke about.

Anonymous said...

i didnt find it confusing. I thought it was good and made a lot of sense.
Dont think you could of said it any better James!
Bless ya x

Anonymous said...

When I read blogs like this one, I am left in no doubt why people like David remain atheists. I agree with your anonymous contributor, that whether intentional or not, you come across as incredibly self righteous. Who are you to think that your way is the only way; that your sense of truth is in fact truth; that your understanding is not convaluted whereas different perspectives are?
I also wish that you would get rid of that people counter on your site - surely we can at least agree that the gospel of Jesus is about good news! Let's share the good news and get rid of the condemnation. God cannot be both love and hate. If God is love then eternal torture is not possible.

james said...

Anon 1,

Jesus told parables so they wouldnt understand. I wonder why...


A person committed a terrible crime then went to court for it. He sat before the judge who is full of justice and righteousness.

If he was simply to let people go becasue he loved them there would be anarchy in the streets. Justice would not be served. He would not be just.

To let people get off even though they break the law is injust and unbiblical.

The good news is only the good news when you know what you have been saved from! Otherwise it turns into a bless me trap which perpeturates going to wherever you find happiness, even though it may be wrong.

How do i know the truth? I read the Bible and believe it. None of this stuff I have made up, its perfect theology, its so simple and basic...

james said...

"I am the way the truth and the life, no one gets to the father but by me." Said Jesus in John 14:6

Anonymous said...

Infinite punishment for finite 'crimes' is not justice. It is evil. Is your God evil James?

james said...

no. not evil. Holy.

Anonymous said...

Do you reply "Holy" to avoid a relevant answer. The question was, "Is infinite punishment for finite crimes justice?".

If it is not just, do you see a contradiction between God's holiness and God's justice?

I think you do understand that God is not just in sending, for example, intellectually disabled people to Hell for eternal punishment simply because they do not have the necessary powers of understanding.

Hell will be full of babies and the intellectually disabled.

What an evil God you worship.

Anonymous said...

God's justice is not the same as human justice (I hope), the judge you describe, hinting at the parable that Jesus told, is not a representation of God – maybe you missed the point of the parable, James?

Anonymous said...

So you believe infinite punishment for finite 'sin' is fair? Here's a scenario I put on Pete Brookshaw's blog - tell me what you think. You have a five year old child, they steal a pencil out of your office. They know it's wrong, but they refuse to say sorry for stealing it. As punishment, you lock them in the basement for the rest of their life and severely beat them every day of their life. Would you do that James? Because if you did, you would be considered an evil monster, yet the punishment you have dished out would be nothing compared to what your god is going to do.

One other thing I would like your thoughts on - al through our life, God loves us, God loves us, God loves us (so most Christians would say). Yet at the point of death for many, that great love turns to infinite hate. Please explain.

james said...

Heres a few points:

God loves everyone, God has given us free will, Sin is choice, Sin is against God who is eternal,

Whatever we do shows who we are slave to, showing who we worship (worship be dedication and submssion)

If you choose to worship yourself (see above description) and choose to reject the grace God has given you, then yes you will go to hell as a consequence of your sin.

God doesnt want that, but if people dont want to worship Him Hes not going to make them.

The role of the evangelist is to show people that a) they are sinful heading to hell and b) that God loves them and doesnt want that for them c) repent and believe and be saved

It is a gospel of love

This blog is aimed at challenging and inspiring people to mission and holiness. Its not a blog aimed at debating and appologetics. There are plenty of blogs that do that. Feel free to chat about what I actually write and what I am trying to deal with but I am going to spend increasingly less time on those subjects, I just dont have the time or will...

Anonymous said...

So do you have any obligation to tell the truth, or just try to scare people into belief with your warped view of God? Have you ever properly researched hell to see if the bible actually teaches it as a place of eternal conscious torture? There is plenty of information available that would disagree with your view of what the bible teaches. Perhaps you should check it out before you continue to preach 'turn or burn'.

james said...

hmmm, maybe your reading a different bible... no one who reads the bible can say that there is no hell... and ive been to bible college and studied it, even got books on it! (saying i learnt about hell, not saying uni was hell...)

as for preaching fear, i think your mixing me up with the crazy fundamentalist guy you saw on american tv holding the 'God hates sinners' sign...

im not sure how you can read the bible and say that sin doesnt lead to death/hell/destruction.

thanks for commenting jack, maybe one day we'll get to catch up and lay aside some silly judgments youve made about me.

Anonymous said...

There is another aspect to the "turn of burn" saga.

And that is the fact that it is now not the done thing to discuss hell and eternal punishment with prospective believers. At least not right away. No, first try to impress them with God's love.

But doesn't that approach implicitly reveal the problems Christians really do see with the concept of eternal punishment?

It's not much point pressing on with spreading a lie. Not to mention the many other problems with Christianity (and any religion, mind you, including new-age, enviromentalism, global-warmingism, etc, I'm not being biased here).

Sure, this blog might be focussed on spreading the message, but an underlying theme of discussion on Hell, is that the message itself has problems.

Won't you continue to encounter these sorts of questions during your evangelistic work? Not everyone is going to believe what you say simply because you're a nice person. No matter how much love and compassion you show, what you say should be true.

Anonymous said...

Have a read through this stuff James, it might get you thinking about the validity of 'turn or burn' - http://www.tentmaker.org/articles/hell_test.html

james said...

hey guys,

david, perhaps the reason we dont see that many people saved is becasue no one is preaching a bit of hell these days... In fat the scenario u shared actually shows that poeople are trying to win peoples favour more than Gods, and we see that less and less people are getting saved by such a dodgey gospel...

im working through that hell link you sent to me jack, its got some great questions... I'll get back to you later when i got a bit more time...