Thursday, February 14, 2008

Aeroplane story

I went to Perth for a holiday not too long ago. I flew there. And as all good evangelists do, they always tell a plane story... Heres my one...

I sat down and said hello to the guy sitting next to me. After a little while I asked him where he was from. He was from India which gave me a great opportunity to talk about the cricket and the holidays Ive had in India. I then asked him if he was religious to which he replied he was hindu but sometimes went to church. I asked him if he thought he would go to heaven. He said he doesnt know, its up to God to decide.

So I asked him if I could ask a few questions to see if he would go to heaven. "Have you ever told a lie?" He said yes. "What does that make you?" He said a liar. "Have you ever stolen?" He said yes. What does that make you? A thief he replied. I continued, "Jesus said if we look lustfuly at a woman we have already committed adultry in our heart. Have you ever done that?" Of course he replied.

So I said, "By your own admission you told me you are a lying adulterous thief at heart. You have broken Gods law. Those are just 3 of the 10 commandments. When judgment day comes how will God find you? Guilty or not guilty?" He said, "guilty." "And where do you think guilty people go?" Hell he sighed.

I was then able to tell him the way of Salvation! Hallelujah! I will talk more about that in the next post. He still has some things to work out but he promised me he would speak about them to his christian friend. Please pray for him and his salvation.

What have I learnt from that? I have learnt that by listening, taking an interest in someone, and then asking simple questions they will often admit they are guilty and destined for hell. This is great as we get to tell them the good news of Jesus Christ!

Go for souls!

1 comment:

Captain Andrew Clark said...

Good old Ray Comfort...the Holy Spirit has used him to shine a light on my evangelistic method too. hallelujah....preach it brother.