Friday, August 25, 2006

1st BLOG!

G'day everyone! Im James and this is my new Blog! I couldnt get my last blog to accept comments from everyone so heres the new one that will!

Ive chosen the title 'Wholly Holy' because its an issue Ive been thinking alot about lately. The Bible says that we need to 'be holy for God is Holy' and Jesus said, 'Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect!' We are given the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. So the question is, Can a Christian be wholly holy? Or, is this only for God? Is it just a declarative statement or can it actually happen? Can a Christian empowered by the Holy Spirit stop sinning?

Alot of what I blog about will (well, might...) have something to do with this. I pray that we will all be filled with the Holy Spirit in such a way that we do stop sinning, get a better relationship with God and help bring others into a great relationship with God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think james would make an awesome youth leader and im not even a christian,james gets along really well with all types of people and different religons and he is friends with every1 and still shares wat he believes in with out forcing it on any1