Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spurgeon Evangelism

Yesterday I promised another law preaching evangelist, so today I decided to choose Spurgeon. I know, I know, Hes a bit Calvinist but isnt it interesting we've had a strict wesleyan (Wesley) and now a Calvinist saying use the law. I wonder if there is a link somewhere that despite some seemingly massive theological differences we can agree on this topic...

Ok, so Spurgeon was around 1834-1892 and is known as the "Prince of Preachers!" It is estimated that he preached to 10,000,000 people! Not bad considering time and his ministry dities... Heres a tiny bit of what he had to say...

“I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach the Law.”

“Lower the law and you dim the light by which man perceives his guilt. This is a very serious loss to the sinner rather than a gain, for it lessens the likelihood of his conviction and conversion...I say you have deprived the gospel of its ablest auxiliary (most powerful weapon) when you have taken away the schoolmaster that is to bring men to Christ. They will never accept grace until they tremble before a just and holy law. Therefore the law serves most necessary and blessed purpose and must not be moved from its place."

“Preach earnestly the love of God in Christ Jesus, and magnify the abounding mercy of the Lord; but always preach it in connection with His justice.”

We are going to change track a little bit tomorrow before we head back to law preaching evangelists, so Stay tuned tomorrow for Theologian Thursday the topic: the law and evangelism...


Jack said...

What do you define as 'the law'? I'm assuming you are largely talking about the ten commandments, but on what basis do you decide which parts of the old testament are still valid and which are no longer valid for us today?

Anonymous said...

James, you are persistent with this. Might I suggest that Like Wesley, Spurgeon also got it wrong. Returning to Paul and Romans 2, we find that the law in Paul, is the jewish law. Gentiles do not possess it by birth. The law defines Israel over against the nations, and moreover indicates that Israel is designed by God as a light to the nations. The law sets the standard by which Israel will be judged; Gentiles will be judged without reference to it. However, there is one class of Gentiles who in a sense will be judged with reference to Torah. ie Gentile Christians who are now in a strange position of 'doing the law' since the Spirit has written the 'work of the Torah' on their hearts. We are not preaching to Jews but to Gentiles, it is unnecessary to preach the law to Gentiles/unbelievers because they have never been 'under law' in the first place. Again the Law was given to Israel after she was rescued/redeemed/liberated from Egypt,not before. get back to the 'Gospel' and gospel focused preaching. Time you did some serious study on Romans and Galatians and allow Paul to show you the way. Paladin

james said...

anon, the 10 commandments are known as Gods moral law... Jesus spoke to us about it in the sermon on the mount (matthew 5 onwards...)the essence of what the law is summed up by Jesus with love God and love others. Its a law of love.

the moral law shows us the way to live with a holy God. Breaking the holy law or sinning as it is also known, separates us from God.

And Paladin, this might seem crazy to you but i disagree with the outcomes of your exegesis and so do a host of other theologians and evangelists...

i challenge you to take a survey on the street of whichever city you are from and see if their conscience lines up with the law. The answer may surprise you.

As for doing some serious study on those books, if you look at my uni transcript you'll see that I have studied them... Ive just come to a different conclusion thatn you. But, I will talk more about that later!

thanks for your comments

Jack said...

I cannot see anywhere in the new testament that defines the law as just the ten commandments - it refers to 'the law' which would encompass all that in contained in the Pentateuch. Perhaps you should look a bit beyond the Ray Comfort school of evangelism.

james said...

read todays post... theres more theologians than you think that would back this up... I dont even mention comfort, wesley, finney, or spurgeon... this view is not as wacked out as you think it is!

Anonymous said...

Law-Torah is the first five book of the OT but in particular that which was give at Sinai after Israel agrre to the Covenant - a covenant we gentiles are not privy too. Not all that strange you don't agree with Palidin's exegesis. It's not just the moral law/ten commandments - but the whole law, including the badge of belonging, ie circumcision. Go back to Galatians. So do you wants those who hear the law to respond to the whole law and so become Jews? That's what you are suggesting. This would mean the God is only the God of the Jews. Instead of relying on the Oldies and a position that does not agree with the scriptural concept. Suggest you come up to todays best scholars like Dunn and Wright or better still do your own homework on the subject. Johno

Jack said...

But why just the ten commandments and not the rest of the law? Why not talk about haircuts, tattoos and eating shellfish?

Anonymous said...

Interesting reply James - your list of theologians in the next posting is not good enough. Why don't "you" agree with the exegesis and how do you yourself exegete Romans and Galatians? Yes i can see why you don't like my position because it challenges your own idealogy. You quote other but what makes you think they were right on this matter? What in your opinion is "the Gospel"? Why are you more interested in preaching the law rather than the gospel? On the subject of Paul suggest you do a lot more work and check out The Paul Page on the web. A street challenge would show some ideas concerning the ten commandment/moral law, but most believe they keep them most of the time. The issue is not the Siai covenant and the Torah which is with Israel. Check out where paul begins his Mars Hill address, it wasn't the law. Paladin

james said...

Gee Paladin, I thought you could read a bit better! Ive never said that law is the gospel! Ive always said that we need to understand that we are sinners before we can repent!

As for the Biblical exegesis, I will bring it soon. Ive decided to start with other theologians and proven evangelistic heroes first so that people dont think I am simply making the word say what I want it to say. Ive tried to show that what I believe ALOT of the great evangelists believe as well!

So, hang tight, I certainly have not forgotten to go to the word. When I do I will address Romans, Galatians, Mars Hill and the conscience.

Anonymous said...

Actually James you beging with the Scriptures and exegesis before you look to your favourite preacher to support your case. It helps to also name your sources. I think this is what Paladin and others are pointing out. You may not have said the law is the gospel but that is the implication seeing as you seem to think it more important to preach the law than the gospel. We look forward to you exegesis of Romans and Galatians. Johno