Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Charles Finney Evangelism

Ok, so some people dont agree with me or John Wesley that law has a place in evangelism... Im not sure what we're suppose to call people to repent of then if we cant even tell them what sin is... Anyways, heres what Charles Finney had to say about the law...

“I remark the law is the rule and the only just rule by which the guilt of sin can be measured.”

“The essence of the Law should be unsparingly applied to the conscience until the sinners self righteousness is annihilated and he stands speechless and self condemned before a hold God.”

"Evermore the law must prepare the way for the gospel. To overlook this in instructing souls is almost certain to result in false hope; the instruction of a false standard of Christian experience and to fill the church with false converts."

Stay tuned tomorrow for our next famous law preaching evangelist!

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