Friday, May 02, 2008


Wow. I am pumped. I've been watching some videos of a revival that is breaking out in Lakeland Florida. You have to check them out. and google lakeland revival and also youtube and godtube lakeland revival...

God is moving powerfully these days and I believe we can all be part of the revival! God is willing to use anyone who is willing for supernatural ministry. Will you join in? Its as simple as stepping out in faith and praying for the sick...

Why pray for the sick you say? In 2 Corinthians 4:4 it says, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." It continues to say that we need to show that the power we have is not our own but Gods. Therefore, since you and I cannot heal, when we pray for healing and command healing it lifts the veil from their eyes as they see the awesome power of God at work. It doesn't have to be healing, as long as it is not of yourself and dependent on the power of God.

for all you skeptics and for those of you who need a pick me up, check out this video of x-ray proof of a healing... God is great!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Actually the utube doesn't prove a thing. Can't really see anything, how do you know whose xrays they are. Here we go again with gullibilty as we race off after the pentecost fringe elements.

james said...

anon, im praying for your salvation