Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some Nazarites...

Samuel was set apart for God so that people could once again hear God.
Samson was set apart for God for the freedom of the Israelites.
John the Baptist, or JB as I call him was set apart to prepare the way for the new Kingdom.

Are you willing to be set apart to help others hear God, have freedom and enter the Kingdom of God?
I was able to minister to a breakfast club kid today. We had bacon and eggs for the last brekie club this term. He said "Pigs are ugly, but they're good on the inside." Referring to the bacon. It was an easy opportunity for me to say "God looks at the heart!" Shifting normal conversations into spiritual ones is not hard, you just need to be on the look out, be ready, and be prepared to take a risk!
I watched "Cocaine Cowboys" last night. Its a documentary about the Miami drug scene in the 70s-80s. Some of the guys were earning more than a million dollars a week. So many people made money that when the cops came in and the drug trade started coming down businesses were going bankrupt because the drug dealers weren't spending their money anymore.

It made me think, what sort of impact are Christians having on the world? What would happen if we all left? How much of a difference are we really making?

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