Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I read in the Year Book (1993 i think...) that Bangladesh had had some terrible floods. All the halls got flooded and they had nearly no where to go for their weekend meetings... Nearly nowhere. They hooked up a bunch of boats together and held meetings from the boats! No corps missed their meeting because they had them in boats! Love it!
Theres a movie coming out soon (already out in the states) that is sure to rattle a few cages. "EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED" Is Ben Steins journey of finding out that evolution is a load of rubbish and that if you disagree with it you get expelled... Heres a trailor, and make sure you check out the website:

Yesterday we talked about praying for the lost... Heres the first one explained a bit:

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

2 corinthians 4:3-4

Unbelievers need revelation not just information. They dont see the same Jesus as we do. Information is head stuff, revelation affects the head but starts in the heart. People need to repent, metanoia- which doesnt mean turn around, it means to have a change of mind.

The word blinded (tuphloo) means to dull the intellect. The word tupho means smoke., where we get the idea of a smoke screen. The word comes from the word tuphoo which is used for being high minded, proud, and so tie all the words together and we get a puffed up type of image.

The problem people have with accepting Christ is that they have to humble themselves and let Christ be there boss. If youre proud this wont happen!

Therefore we need to do some Spiritual warfare praying asking God to break down these barriers... Now, Im not doing justice to Sheets work but im trying to give you something to look at, but for a more complete look buy his book!lol

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