Monday, October 22, 2007


Ive heard a couple of people talk about sacrifice today, especially in regards to Officership.

For a while my grandparents didn't even get paid as Officers. They would go collecting at Pubs and the like just to survive. They survived on peoples good will, my Nana recalls a lady who use to feed them and every now and then would even give her a steak! For a time, my grandparents like many others didn't even get paid as Officers. Thats what I call sacrifice.

When we were in Bangladesh we met some new officers. They told us a story of how they were living in there hut in the village, they had nothing. Literally nothing, and a thief came in during the night. "Give me your valuables" the thief demanded, they replied, "The most valuable thing we have is Jesus..." They then preached to this man who I believe later converted. All these two Officers had was Jesus! Now, thats what I call sacrifice.

As an Officers kid I can reassure everyone that we never went without. Yes, sometimes it was tight and we had to miss out on things, but we are called to sacrifice! It has taught me that Jesus is the most valuable thing we can have.

And who is the ultimate teacher on sacrifice? Jesus. The Holy Creator God tortured, killed and mocked for us, sinners. Why did He do it? Love. Why do we sacrifice? Love.

I often wonder if we didn't get paid as Officers would we would grow more as people like the thief in the night would see that the most valuable thing we have is Jesus... What do you think?

Check out Pete and Jo Brookshaws blogs and see how you can support cadets (soon to be officers) overseas with their inventive initiative, TACO. (Train A Cadet Overseas)

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1

1 comment:

Simon Mapleback said...

I pray I can get to that point and not depend on earthly things but only Heavenly things.

Will we doubt God's care & love for us when we just depended on Jesus and Jesus alone - what a lack of faith!

Jesus is all we need - what a revelation!!