The Kingdom of God is like this:
One day a Salvo Officer asked his soldiers in his corps to some red shield collecting. He promised them Big Mac vouchers and a voluntary community work certificate. They all agreed to do it, and got started nice and early at 10am on Saturday morning.
Later on Sunday there was still many more doors to be knocked on so he asked some of the community people someone to do some red shield appeal collecting for him. He said that they would get a Big Mac voucher and a voluntary community work certificate. So they started at 12pm.
Then later in the day when there was only 1 hour left, the officer asked someone else with the same deal.
Then, with only one house to go he asked a young kid to do the final house, again at the same price.
When they all came in to get their Big Mac vouchers and Voluntary Community Work Certificates the officer started giving out the stuff to the young boy first, then the community people, and finally the soldiers. The soldiers were annoyed! "We worked all weekend and get the same ammount as them? What the?"
The officer repied, "Didnt I tell you thats what you would be getting? Have I decieved you or been dishonest? Or is your heart evil, because I am good?"
So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.
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