Wednesday, December 31, 2008


What a year!

I got engaged. I was privilged to be involved in some way with over 20 people being miraculosly healed. I was involved in around 10 deliverance sessions which saw people freed from all sorts of stuff. I got married! I moved house. I got accepted as a cadet for Training College next year. Go For Souls was awessome, 12 people getting saved and a stack of people getting fired up for aggressive evangelism. I finished up at Plenty Valley. I had my first married Christmas. And I had the awesome privilige of leading over 20 people to Christ (3/4 of them are still in Christian community!)

Ive had a big year and am looking forward to seeing what God has instore for next year!

1 comment:

Captain Andrew Clark said...

Hallelujah! May God grant you double the blessing this year.