News is filtering through about Colonel Bo Brekke who was shot and killed on Thursday night. He was the Territorial Commander in Pakistan. Read the brief at IHQ and a news report here.
He and his wife followed my mum and dad to Bangladesh so his death has been a bit close to home. He had to dismiss an officer for alleged financial wrong doing which has led to his death. Places like Pakistan are corrupt, and so the corruption even comes into The Salvation Army. Some is lack of character other is cultural. We know that Bo has had to make tough decisions like that one before, so i know him as a man of not compromising.
I believe that that is what we need in the Army. Men and women of God who will not compromise their beliefs and mission.
Lets remember all the people in our Army, and in the Christian faith who have not compromised. Bo will be looked back on as a hero, but there are many other officers and soldiers who have led a life of non-compromise with all sorts of loss. They have lost jobs, positions, friends, family, some have even left the Army even though they have poured their heart and soul into it their whole life. Lets thank God for His faithfulness too for without it, everything else would be worthless.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I am currently writing a sermon for Sunday. Its got me thinking. In the early church it doesn't seem to say that anyone ever prepared a sermon, and when I look i see that some of the best sermons, like Peters at Pentecost, Steve just before he got stoned etc were not prepared sermons! They didn't spend hours sitting around working out what they were going to say.
In fact Paul said "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power!" And he says if you ever get into boiling water then trust God and He will give you the words to say...
Then I see at uni, bible college, training college etc that preaching has to do with methods. It has to do with saying the right thing, being theologically correct.
it doesn't seem right to me. If good preaching is from a Spirit filled person, someone full of the power of God, then why don't our preaching classes look more like Pentecost and less like a boring uni class? Are we setting ourselves up for failure? i mean, who really listens to many sermons and remembers them during the week? How many "theologically correct university prepared" sermons have seen thousands of people saved compared to those who live in the Spirit? What are we aiming for? What are we expecting?
So, I believe that we do need good theology. We learn that, but when it comes to preaching I think we need to rely less on our methods and more on the power of God... As for me, I'm going back to write my sermon...
House Church
A great expression of the love of God can be found in some house churches. Here the young and old gather to spend time together, to worship God, to bring people into an experience of God and to get people saved. It normally consists of eating together, talking together and doing life together.
What we have been doing at plenty Valley with the youth feels like this. We eat together, watch the tv together, go places together, talk about God together, pray together etc. We have a time on Thursday nights, (all welcome to join) when we eat, play, then worship God with the band. We have people as young as 5 and as old as 60 joining in!
But the number of people coming has gotten to about 15. Wolfgang Simpson a leading expert on house churches around the globe says that at 13-16 you should split in half. Because if you don't people don't get a say and don't feel welcomed and it turns into a congregation.
So the questions I'm thinking are:
how do we grow and at the same time disciple with limited leaders?
Do we split or stay together?
How do we avoid the negative congregation stuff?
How do we keep the great family feeling we have at the moment?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
More from William Booth for all those who believe the doctrines and take a bit of fire over believing there is hell etc;
"There are plenty of arguments designed to lessen the importance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, or to explain away its merit altogether... There is plenty of interpretation of the Bible which vainly attempts to explain away the punishment of the wicked, so clearly announced in its pages. Take away these things, and the Bible becomes not only an ordinary, but an uninteresting book, to be neither feared nor cared for."
Check out the 6 resolutions of William Booth on armybarmy. I felt my Spiritual life had plateaued. I was growing in the stuff I was doing but not so much my relationship with Jesus. So I looked at Booths resolutions and came up with my own. E.g William Booth committed to reading no less than 4 chapters of the Bible each day, I'm doing I'm pushing myself so I keep improving my relationship with God instead of maintaining it. Don't keep doing the same thing you have always done, try and stretch yourself!
And lastly, but not leastly, I believe God is sanctifying me and that a couple of the places in my life where I was sinning have stopped! Hallelujah! I have been freed from these sins! It feels good! Im not sinning there anymore! Now, my consecration (devotion to God) needs to keep up with Gods revelation. That means as God shows me more sin etc I need to keep up my devotion to God and then I will stay sanctified.... More on this during the week!
GOD IS GOOD! Hallelujah! Have an evangelistic talk to someone today!
Monday, September 24, 2007
International man of ministry
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Sad stats
Read the Booth quotes below... but hat tip the following stats to CC via SC...
AUS Territory Stats
1996 senior soldiers: 12,129
2006 senior soldiers: 10,978 (9,318 in 2007 year book, reflecting stats for 2005)
1996 junior soldiers: 2,402
2006 junior soldiers: 1,158
1996 active officer strength: 650
2006 active officer strength: 534
1996 number of corps: 186
2006 number of corps: 165
1996 number of outposts: 33
2006 number of outposts: 5
Maybe we have lost our vision/mission/purpose! Aren't we suppose to be winning the world for Jesus? It shows we need more people evangelising! We need more people starting up outposts and corps. It shows every person is important to the mission of the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army needs you, infact, the world needs you! Fight addiction, depression, despair and sin! Join up today!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Booth Quotes
Some William Booth quotes from "The Founders Messages to Soldiers."
"The ruling spirit of the world is selfishness. The spirit of true religion is the spirit of Jesus Christ- the spirit that seeks the happiness and well being of others, even though it involves self-denial and sacrifice, and the spirit of Jesus Christ is the very opposite to the self-seeking spirit of the world, which always, and under all circumstances, keeps it eye on number one..."
"When you renounce all friendly relations with this enemy, and turn your backs on the world forever, the Holy Spirit will come to you, in fuller measure than before. He will fill you with love and power and joy, and make you conquerors over sin and Hell! Why not make that sacrifice now? What do you say?"
1. When we are having our meetings/church etc are we looking at it for ourselves or for others?
2. What Spirit are you breeding by the choices you make?
3. Is yours a life of sacrifice or being served?
4. Notice how Booth talks of full surrender, then once fully surrendered the Holy Spirit comes like it hasn't been before!
5. Are you a conqueror over sin and hell? I mean does sin still have a hold on you?
6. What of the world do you need to sacrifice?
7. Notice how Booth thinks you can be made holy on the spot by renouncing all evil forever!
Firstly, let me apologize for sounding like I don't like/appreciate older people! I love older people, I even worked in a nursing home for a bit! I did not meant it sound like I don't like older people! Rather I don't like some of the values and beliefs some older people have!
So having said that, I hate the values of church being quiet and in order! I love church when people are speaking out!Testifying! Talking to new people! Trying to get people saved! It is messy, and I love that! Why? Because God is there and is moving without being bound by human comfort! Have a think about that one for a minute... At the center of this is what is our mission? Is it a nice quiet service or is it a meeting to get people saved and or sanctified? What do we really want? I love it messy because that is where I have seen God do great things from 614 to Plenty Valley! God moves when we let him!
Also, Heres a couple of verses I love, (not meant to be connected to the above, but in a way it does...)
"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector." Matthew 18:15-17
Also check out Dave Collinsons blog, especially if your a youth. Weigh in and tell them how good you are...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Evangelism Conference
OCTOBER 12-13th
Key Speakers:
Jason Golden (Catch the Fire Ministries!)
Cpt Steve Court
Lt Rowan Castle
Only $10
brochures out now
Revolution or Evolution?
Ive been pretty busy this week! Havent had much of a chance to slow down but here I am with another poast...
When I think of church disputes I wonder, who is the person who should give in? If there is a congregation with older people with one set of values/vision and misison and the younger ones have a different one who should give in? Is there a compromise in the middle or do we follow whichever one is closest to Scripture?
Generally speaking the church in Australia has been trying to mix two completely different types of church together. Theres the people with a club mentality who want church for themselves and dont really care alot about those not in their club. People are welcome to join but they cant change the way they do things...
Then theres those who actively want to see people saved. They are outward focussed. Pastoral care etc takes a back seat in favour of everyone putting in, everyone being a minister, everyone helping, everyone saving people.
When these two come together they are different and the church has been trying to shift the first type of values to look more like the second set of values. The only problem is is that it is not working! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. It is a way or evolution. We'll keep going and see what happens.
The other way it can be dealt with is to try and start something completely new. This is revolution. A drastic change. The church would be outward looking and not so insular. It would be a new plant built upon a set of values, and would be very clear what their purpose is.
Pros and cons are for both. Revolution could lose older generations, but get new people saved, evolution keeps generations together but its hard to get people saved.
What is the purpose of the church? What is the purpose of the Salvation Army? I would say to get people saved! That was Jesus' purpose.
As for me, Im beginning to think, are officers allowed to be revolutionaries? Or do they have to be maintainers of the evolution process that has been proven not to work? Am i too negative about evolution? Is it working somewhere? let me know!
On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
Matthew 9:12
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Came across this again this week...
We laugh about it now, maybe find it a little bit offensive, but this is a massive problem in society and many people don't even know it, and if they do know it, they dont want to say anything about it. I even know a few people who have fessed up to porn being a problem in their relationships.
Porn is a $57.0 billion (U.S) world-wide - $12.0 billion in the US industry. Its massive. Its destructive... For more info, stats, help, porn filters for your computer go to
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Free will?
There is a tension between human free will and Gods sovereignty. Is God completely in charge of everything that happens or is it all us, or is it a bit of both?
People are fine to say that God is control of everything until the subject of evil pops up. People are fine to say that Gods will will be done no doubt about that. But I really doubt that. 30,000 kids dieing every night because they're hungry, is that Gods will? I seriously doubt that. The young girl that gets kidnapped raped and tortured? Gods will? I don't think so.
God cant be holding a remote control up in heaven determining what will and wont happen. It would mean that our ideas of God being love, holy and just would all fly out the window.
So what can we say? What is the other choice? The other choice is that God has given us a bit of responsibility. That we choose what we do. I read a great quote in Shane Claiborne's book "The Irresistible Revolution." I think he sums this up, "He wants to ask why God allows all of this poverty and war and suffering to exist in the world. And his friend says, "Well, why dont you ask?" The fellow shakes his head and says he is scared. When his friend asks why he mutters, "I'm scared God will ask me the same question!"...... I can feel the Spirit whisper to me, "You tell me why we allow this to happen. You are my body, my hands, my feet."
So is this just our reason implying this? No way. It sounds awfully like asking God foe His Kingdom to come and His will to be done, it sounds like the sheep and the goats. It's exactly like the God of the Old and New Testaments who likes to work with His creation. And why wouldn't He? We are made in His image...
Friday, September 14, 2007
Last night we had some youth who are not Christians come to band practice. As they sung along to the worship songs just like karaoke, they apparently started to feel better and get in a better mood. Was it just the sound of the music? Was it the video that flashed up on the screen with the songs? Was it they just liked to sing? Or was it something deeper.
I keep hearing it said that "The Lord dwells in the praises of His people." (I cant find that exact verse but if you know where it is or one like it please let me know...) So, if God is amongst His praises then He was there last night and one reason why they were feeling better could have been because God was touching them. Infact, I am convinced that as they sung God touched them and they drew nearer to Him.Now, heres something thats not totally related but I'll say it anyway. Alot of people bag out churches like Planetshakers. I even use to do it for a short time. Its all about the music they say, or its all hype etc. But its not. The other night at a Bible study almost everyone in the room (and we were all of different ages) said that Planetshakers changed our lives! And to add to that Me and the others all said that it was during a worship time when we heard God say something to us.
So, lets keep worshipping God through music as He comes and lives among us as we sing His praise. I think its a great way of getting people saved and I think the churches with big numbers would all agree!
Also, GO FOR SOULS CONFERENCE is in one month. Cost $10. Get there. Save some souls!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ive been thinking about how to answer some questions from my last post. This is what comes to mind...
I love the way Jesus gives away power and authority. It makes me feel great! It makes me feel important. I get excited about working for God, excited that God wants to do His work through simple old me! It gives me purpose! It gives me a reason to live. It fills me with passion. And it definitely causes me to make sure I do the best I can for God. I love the grace God gives me. Not just for Salvation but in everyday situations. If I stuff up, God lets me know, forgives me, then gives the power not to do it again. As I am faithful with a few that God gives me, God gives me more. And to top all this off, not only does God give me authority, power, purpose, passion, accountability, forgiveness and grace, but He serves me! Not in the "I am His master" way, no, He serves me out of love... He does what He does for me because He LOVES ME! I serve an awesome God!
Lord, i thank you that you love me. Thank you that you make me feel great! Thank you that you choose to work through me, and that you empower me and allow me to work for you! Thank you that I don't need to go through a long list of people to get to you, Thank you that there is only one mediator between man and God, Jesus Christ! I will serve you all of my days!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sin in the structure
I have been working on submitting a grant proposal for funding this week. And I have heard it said by many and I mean many officers that the line that a proposal has to go through is way way too long. And as I look at the flowchart and talk to people one thing has become obvious which is the system is choking The Salvation Army.
To show you that Im not making all this up heres the steps I need to go through:
1) Get the right signatures and approval from my corps
2) Then it moves to the divisional board approval
3) Then to the Territorial Corps Program Secretary
4) Then the Territorial Programe planning council
5) Then the Territorial Finance Council
6) Then the information is forwarded to the division via the Corps programme department
And, that’s all pending on wether or not it gets approved at each stage!
Whats wrong with this?
1) It takes too long both time submitting resubmitting etc
2) It takes too long in the chain
3) It takes up a lot of Divisional and Territorial personnel time
4) It makes the statement that even though Divisional Commanders may have a budget of tens of millions of dollars they can not approve $2000 without permission!
5) It creates confusion and dissatisfaction leading to people not even wanting to put in a submission
6) It must make D.C’s and everyone else involved feel like they are not allowed to do the job they have been put in there for
7) Silly positions are made up to accommodate this ridiculous procedure
As a positive, I’ve heard of a Corps in India who was getting some funding for a 1000 seat hall but they thought that was too small so they made a 5000 seat hall instead and then told IHQ. They did some self funding, it worked, it was in line with their mission and IHQ didn’t get to hung up about it.
Then in the latest ONFIRE we read of Kenya, where growth is amazing, probably the fastest if not just the biggest in The Salvation Army, they hold property boards where the different corps tell THQ etc what they have done. The mission is aggressive and they need a structure where there aggressive expansion is allowed to happen. They are not asking for permission but for a bit of help. People are empowered and the mission is being done, souls are being saved and THQ isn’t getting in the way.
All this reminds me of Jesus and His servant leadership. We all know that the best leaders in the world have very similar qualities to Jesus. They empower people, encourage people, they serve people.
THQ and DHQ since they are our leaders should be there to support those on the front lines. Not lord it over us. That is bad practice resulting from the bad theology whether subconscious or conscious.
The General asks us, “Is sin in the camp?” Yes there is. What will the Army do? Are they doing anything at the moment? Let me know.
Lets give DC’s more power. Lets let them do their job. If a project is in line with the four mission directives then lets get on with it!
Join with me and pray for our leaders that they will see the problem and correct it before it gets any worse. Lets create a Territory that will empower its leaders and encourage aggressive growth.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Old people slain...
I had some good discussion on my last post, but I feel I need to clarify a little bit.
One thing that is bugging me and I would guess with alot of youth in The Salvation Army, (but not restricted to The Army, any denomination in Australia...) is that our ideas are put down or demoted because others see our views as views of our generation. However I would say it is based on what Jesus said for us to do! It is based on the Bible. And how the church in Australia over the past 50 years hasn't been able to do it. (Again this is a problem which has stretched across all denominations and it is a problem as we see the continued effects of the last 50 years...)
And so now we see the problems with the older congregations who have been faithful are beginning not to fit in with a Jesus-biblical-missional culture of being a light in the dark. Thats my opinion, debate it please! But give the youth some slack, we're doing and trying to do what we think Jesus commands us to do, it is not out of our generational difference as such, but out of our generational response to the gospel of Jesus.
Secondly, Bible study today was great! We read through 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:1. As we read it we were all challenged by the bit "compelled by the love of Christ." We then prayed for each other to be filled with the love of God. As we were praying the Holy Spirit fell and so did we as we were prayed for.
This is often regarded to being called "slain in the Holy Spirit." One of my friends hates the term because slain refers to being killed and we haven't really been killed. I try to make the point we're being "like dead" or we're crucifying the sinful nature type thing, but the phrase, "slain in the Holy Spirit" doesn't quite fit...
So, can you please suggest some other names for being slain in the Holy Spirit? I cant think of any that sound as cool as that but I wanna be more correct... help me out!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
When the focus of the church starts looking outside rather than inside those who are not looking outside feel left behind because people aren't looking at them as much anymore.
I feel this is one of the major challenges at church t the moment. We are shifting missionally. We are becoming a church for the unsaved, and the safe, comfortable Christians are not getting what they want. They are no longer the focus of the church.
For the church to go forward we now have to disciple everyone about our mission. About Gods lifesaving mission. We need to take people with us. So, by doing this the people on the inside are the people who are getting people saved. The look of an inside person changes.
The problem the church faces is whether to stay with the comfortable safe Christians who don't do mission, or do we refocus our church on mission and create a new set of "inside" people? What are you going to do?
im reminded of Cat Booth, "To change the future we need to disturb the present."
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
September 23 Day to pray for peace... And Sunday 30th September is day to pray for victims of the sex-trafficking industry... Make sure your officers are aware of them and will do something special for them...
Check out the generals site, new pastoral letter is up... i joined his mailing list today, so should you... And following an old army tradition, pray for the General and some head honchos at lunch time...
Also, heres a cool quote I found in Bonnke's book I still haven't finished...
"What could Jesus gain from His works of mercy?He did not need them for His own profit. Why did He go to Bethesda among that litter of humanity, who were like flotsam and jetsam cast up on a forgotten shore? Why should He go to Nain to meet a dead man, or go anywhere or come to earth at all, for that matter? There was no possible benefit for Himself. The truth is, Jesus had a fatal attraction to the wretched. It led Him to a cruel death, but that was no consideration to Him. He would bring His healing touch to broken lives no matter what. We read that in the eyes of Jesus, the multitudes were as sheep without a shepherd and, "He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. Matthew 14:14""
As The Salvation Army, we need to have this fatal attraction th the wretched! William Booth said, "Go for souls and go for the worst!" Too often we put our needs ahead of those who need Jesus most. We put our worship preferences ahead of those who could be saved in our meetings, we put our t.v time or fellowship time ahead of reaching the LOST the LAST and the LEAST! If we want to be like Jesus, lets ask God to fill us with His perfect love, so that we too may be filled with compassion!
Holiness is being made perfect in love. Whatever we sacrifice on the altar, God will sanctify. Lay yourself on the altar, do away with sin, and be filled with the love and peace that surpasses all understanding!
Also, check out
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Hey peoples!
Make sure you check out the GO FOR SOULS conference website! It is going to be awessome! Especially if you cant make ACC during the week this is on the weekend and will be great!
Its to teach people how and why to evangelise! Its going to get practical, theres going to be great teaching, great prayer, and then we're going to go and practice!
It looks like the electives will be split in two, softcore and hardcore and every participant will choose one from each of those... Its gonna be great!
And to top all this off, it looks like its going to absolutely free!
More details in the next 3 days then its all set! Keep it in your prayers and wipe your diaries clean from Friday 12th October 730pm to Saturday 14th October all day!
Its aimed at youth but not only for youth! If you dont consider youself "youth" still come it will all be relevant to you anyways!
As William Booth said, "Go for souls and go for the worst!"
Monday, September 03, 2007
Jesus ministry
I find it really interesting that throughout all of Jesus ministry in the New Testament that whenever someone was saved etc that it was by Jesus doing something amazing. That amazing thing was often supernatural and was preceeded by someones faith. So the way it went was something like this:
1) Jesus did something
2) People spoke about it
3) People believed
4) People received
So, my logical thinking tells me that we need to do the same as Jesus if we want the same results. The other thing about Jesus was who He was.
1) He was without sin
2) He loved people
3) No one could fault Him
4) He spoke the truth
The reason why He did things often followed a pattern like this:
1) He was walking around
2) He saw need
3) He was filled with compassion
4) He did something about it
And to wrap it up heres a quick list of the things that Jesus did:
1) He did miracles
2) He preached
3) He taught
4) He prayed
5) He died
6) He rose
I think if we did those things we would have amazing ministries! Lets do it, lets get holy, filled with love and compassion, have our eyes opend to need, and be filled with the power of God to perform miracles! Lets get some people saved today!
40 people read my blog each day. If we all got 2 people saved before Christmas thats 80 people!
GO FOR SOULS CONFERENCE IS GONNA ROCK! Stephen Court, Jason Golden, Xander, and a few others speaking! Make sure you check it out! Posters out this week at last!!!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Demonic strongholds
Its been too longsince I last blogged! Ive been busy with some mates from Perth who have come over to visit me!
I am convinced that the things we do in the physical realm have an impact in the spiritual realm. I dont like making a too big a gap between the two, but there is a spiritual realm that we dont always see and thats what Im talking about.
For example, when we say something against someone it is a curse, when we say something good, it is a bless. When we sin it creates something in us which can lead to a demonic stronghold. If we agree with one of the devils lies, or we agree with a sin, it can create a stronghold in us which is hard to get rid of...
That is, hard to get rid of until you come into contact with the blood of Jesus!
The other night I was talking to a person who asked for a word from God concerning a block he felt in his heart. I prayed and got the word "demonic strong hold" straight away, I argued with God saying I think its just me, but then it was confirmed along with the sin which was allowed to stay because of fear.
Then I told this person about what was going on and the demon begun to manifest. The person started going manic, so we ordered this person to fix their eyes on Jesus! They did and we started praying on our knees and breaking curses in Jesus name! We agreed with Jesus and His laws instead of the devils. As I prayed the person fell forward in the Spirit! It was really cool! Praise God Hes come to give us freedom!
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19